More new style items are released! The unique evolution of Japanese pancake

In Japan, there are various desserts become hot topics lately such as Tiramisu, Nata de Coco and raw caramel. However, most of the booms just lasted for a short period except pancake. Several years have passed since the boom, but it does not end yet. Instead, you can see many pancake specialty stores lining up along Harajuku. Besides, there are many new style pancakes including Ricotta pancake and Dutch Baby shop opened. Today, we going to introduce you these new style Japanese pancake!

The booming of the pancake started from the pancake specialty shop in Australia and the United States which expanded their business to Japan

Pancake specialty shop started to boom since year 2008, when "Bills" from Australia expanded their business at Shichigahama(七里ヶ浜), Kamakura, and when "Eggs'n Things" from Hawaii expanded their business to Harajuku in year 2010. Both of them became a hot topic since they are so popular to the extent that there are always long lines in front of their shops. After that, there are various pancake specialty shops opened with their own specialty. We would like to introduce various types of Japanese pancakes as below. 

"Ricotta Pancake" with light flavor which triggered the boom 

"Ricotta Pancake" is the signature menu of "bills", which dough is made from ricotta and has lighter texture. Ricotta is a type of dairy product which made from whey which is low fat and light taste. Since the majority part of the pancake dough is made from ricotta, “Ricotta Pancake” is fluffier than others. When “Ricotta Pancake” is just introduced in Japan, it overturns the concept of the pancake and became a hot topic in Japan. 

Original from Hawaii! Pancake with plenty of topping and whipped cream

The representative pancake of "Eggs'n Things" has plenty of topping which attract its customers. Besides the generous volume of whipped cream, it is topped with strawberries, blueberries, nuts, etc., which might let you forget that it is actually a pancake! Since the pancake looks nice in picture and when posted to SNS (like Facebook), it is popular among teenagers as well. 

“Soufflé Pancake” with the fine and fluffy texture 

"Soufflé pancake" is famous with its fluffy texture and the dough’s fine texture like a soufflé. There is catchphrase which created by "FLIPPER'S", of “The pancake which can be eaten as two forks split”. Various recipes of “Soufflé Pancake” are posted on Japanese cooking search engine websites, and there are quite a number of challenger who try to make it at home!

"Dutch baby pancake" baked in oven

"Dutch Baby Pancake" which is baked slowly in the oven instead on a frying pan. This pancake is originated from German pancake dishes, and the texture is like a shoe leather. Whipped butter, vanilla ice, lemon juice, powdered sugar, etc. are put as topping on the pancake. The traditional pancake store in America, "Original pancake house" is one of the famous store for this pancake.


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