More Japanese than espresso coffee maker? Green Tea espresso make

※This article was published at May 2015.※

Now that coffee makers and espresso makers have popped all over the world, what could be the next phenomenon?
How about the green tea espresso machine from Japan?



Let’s have a look !

This machine called Ocha-presso (green tea-espresso) is made by the maker Sharp for its popular appliance line called Healsio.

Healsio line is specialised into “healthy lifestyle machines” like non-oil fryer, fridge which can preserve crispy vegetables and so on.


Since green tea is a famous for its health benefits like vitamin C and antioxidants, it was a perfect material for a new machine.


Just put some normal green tea leaves in the machine, they will be crushed by a ceramic mortar into a fine powder like coffee powder to make an espresso.
The water will be purified and warm at the perfect temperature.

The tea made with this machine has a very strong and rich taste like the tea who can enjoy in high-class sushi restaurants in Japan.

It’s also said that tea made with this machine has much more nutrients than normal tea.

There’s many settings to change the strength or use other types of teas.
You can even make green tea latte!


You can also use the powder for dessert, cakes and various foods as you use matcha powder!

Do you want to try tea from this machine?

It’s sold on the internet and big appliance stores like Yodobashi Camera.

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Survey[Survey] Traveling to Japan
