Souvenir you want to buy in Japan featuring recommended products by shop staff

Hi everyone! I am Nabe Jun, Fun! Japan reporter!
Thank you for you enthusiastic comments on No.1 Souvenir Deciding Match Voting Result article!
This time, I visited WOAH! JAPAN, shop selling a lot of unique Japanese souvenirs.
I will introduce Japanese souvenirs that are popular among foreigners visiting Japan and recommended by the shop staff.
You can read about the shop here→

Now, let’s see the products recommended by WOAH! JAPAN staff!
The first product is, Edo Glass Mt. Fuji Glass, Long Glass, w/ Wooden Box. Actually, this item is quite hard to obtain in Japan. In previous article, it got 4th rank.

Japanese souvenir
Can you see exquisitely designed Mount Fuji floating in the bottom of the glass? It’s hand made, created by Japanese craftsmen. No wonder, there are only 300 glasses made per day.
Oyeah, the type that contains hand digging pattern of sakura is quite rare in Japan. And there are also foreign customers who come to buy this glass.

Japanese souvenir

Here is the point that you have take a look at: the color of the Mount Fuji changes when drink is poured into the glass.
See! When I put shaved ice and syrup, you can see the Fuji color changed! It amazes me just by looking at it…
I also put many kinds of drinks to the glass: Japanese tea, juice; its sophisticated color change never stop to amaze me.
Japanese souvenir

Japanese souvenir

Even from Malaysia, you can buy the glass in EC site of this shop.

Next up, another staff recommendation, XLUXES Procare Reverser Serum

Japanese souvenir

This cosmetic got no.1 sales among foreign travelers in Japan's major retailers!
The concept of this product is also interesting. It is a “reverse care” product, not an “aging care” one. Its liquid contains cosmetic active ingredient that rejuvenates the skin!!

Japanese souvenir

It’s popular among women with wrinkle around the eye and mouth is a concern. For women, it’s a dream cosmetic with luxurious design.
It is also possible to buy this cosmetic in the EC site.

And the last recommend product I would like to introduce. It was fifth rank in previous article: Premium Black Paint 120g.

Japanese souvenir

In Japanese department stores, this product is sold in specialized corner. It also has many loyal customers. And you may be surprised because its black color.
The feature of this product is, can be felt when you apply this soap to your face.
Ehhmm… Can you imagine it?
In fact, after hearing the explanation from shop staff, I still did not know how to use it…
So, this time, I will try to use it myself!

When I took out the shop from its container, it’s surprisingly large. It also has heavy feel.

Japanese souvenir

First, I dipped in lukewarm water, and waited until tender for 30 seconds.

Japanese souvenir

And ... when taken out, the soap is turned soft. It is also sticky, feel like caught in a thread!! Thanks to the power of amino acids contained in the soap…

Japanese souvenir

Apply directly the softened soap to the face !! ... Using this soap feels like a little interesting adventure…

Japanese souvenir

After that, stretch soap that was painted on your face by hand and give gentle massage. The point here is not to rub strongly.

Japanese souvenir

In the end, wash up the soap and finished! It’s very convenient to be able to use it without cleansing.

Japanese souvenir

And… impressions of after using it. . . I somehow feel my skin became soft and fluffy. It also feels moist.

Japanese souvenir

Unlike general cleanser, Premium Black Paint works not by rubbing and washing, but by dissolving the dirt in the skin pores when we applied our gentle massage.
Because the pores are not opened, it works without damaging the skin, and the sticky fluffy feeling is achieved.

And thanks to its organic oil, you can still have moist feeling even after washing because will protect the skin, is likely followed by a moist feeling.
Yeah, no wonder, this product also has loyal customers from abroad. .

The shop I visited WOAH! JAPAN has so many Japan's unique souvenirs.
You can also buy the product here directly from Malaysia in its site.

Japanese souvenir

It may take shipping cost, but the price of products sold here is the same as its price in Japan. Of course, if you buy multiple things, the shipping cost will feel cheap.

How was the special features on Japanese souvenirs?

We will introduce more cool souvenirs in Fun! Japan. Don’t forget to write genre of products you want us to introduce!!
