Length of Japan from Fukuoka for Tokyo Vol3 (Onomichi-Takamatsu)

1930km!? What can you imagine this figure. It’s a distance which one traveler moved by bike between Fukuoka and Tokyo of Japan. The number of foreign travelers who love the bike and take their own bike has been increasing. And they enjoy cycling around Japan on holiday. Let me share the routes guide and attractions between Fukuoka and Tokyo several times.

These contents were cooperated by Japan cycle Navigator 

Today let me share the routes between Onomichi and Takamatsu.

The driver can cross the huge bridges this time.




Route: Onomichi-Imabari-Kotohira-Takamatsu

Total distance : 221km

Best Season: Spring

Available Season: Through year

Steepness : ★★ (Sometimes)

Natural Beauty : ★★★ (Plenty)

History : ★★★★ (much)

Traffic : ★★ (Shikoku: partly heavy)



Three routes utilizing a chain of impressive bridges island-hop the Sea of Seto between Honshu and Shikoku Islands. Seto-Ohashi Bridge connects the Kagawa and Hyogo Prefectures. Akashi-Ohashi and Naruto-Ohashi Bridge connect Hyogo and Tokushima Prefecture across Awaji-Shima Island.

Shimanami Kaido Bridges are the ONLY bridges which cyclists can ride across between Honshu and Shikoku (between the Hiroshima and Ehime prefectures). Others are prohibited to bicycle riders. Shimanami Kaido, which means "Islands Sea Road", connects SEVEN islands to get to Shikoku, about 65 km. These bridges have dedicated bike paths enabling you to be separated from the motor vehicle traffic. The route might be described as "One of the world’s best short bike rides".


Japan is formed from about 400 inhabited islands and many of the small islands are located in this inland sea. It is said that Japanese culture is based on the agrarian society, but actually Japanese culture is formed by many kinds of folk cultures, such as Ainu (native Japanese in Hokkaido), Matagi (Hunters in Tohoku), Okinawan culture, Fisher and Islanders and so on.

This Sea Road is one of the best courses to experience those Fisher and Islanders cultures by bicycle in Japan. Here, there are descendant of pirates and people who lived their entire lives on board boats. Why not stay one night at one of these attractive peaceful islands. You might become the first non-Japanese cyclist to visit and enjoy the unique atmosphere. So magnificent is this bike route, if the weather is favorable, you won’t want to hurry anyway.



konpirasan Imabari City is the destination of the Shimanami Kaido route and the start of the "Length of Japan" leg in Shikoku Island. Shikoku is the fourth largest island in Japan. It is famous for its 88 temple pilgrimage. While you ride around Shikoku you will meet some of the pilgrims dressed in white. The ideal way is to walk the 88 temples, a combined distance of over 1000 km. Temple pilgrims arrive from all over Japan. Say hello “kon-nichiwa” to them and be prepared to share some of their good luck and happiness.

This pilgrims first arrived in the 12th century. A famous high Buddhist monk Kukai also known as Kouboudaishi , born in the 8th century, traveled Shikoku to save the peoples’ soul. The 88 places where he had stayed became sites for temples, and pilgrims are still tracing Kouboudaishi’s route. By visiting those 88 temples, it is said you will be free from 88 painful passions and desires, and you will have also done 88 good works for the world and yourself.

Although walking is the traditional way, many people visit the 88 temples on a bus tour or taxi. Of course a bicycle is ok too – and the next best thing to walking.

After arriving Imabari City, take seaside Prefecture Road 38 and R196 to the east, viewing the Seto Inland Sea on your left, then take prefectual road 13 at Saijo City.

Road 13 ends at west end of the Iyo Mishima City, then ride along R 11. You will soon see a road-sign indicating the Kagawa Prefecture. Further down the road-sign by 6.5 km is a fork intersection where the road split to R11 and R377.

R377 is heading to the famous shrine, Sanuki Konpira-san. It is located at Shoto Mountain, on the west side of Kotohira Town, and enshrines the goodness of the sea. This shrine is famous for returning many kinds of happiness to its visitors. For this reason it is a favorite shrine for Japanese people.


From the entrance there are 785 steps to climb to the main shrine, and to reach the highest-shrine there are another 1368 steps. You will experience many cultural features, and as you ascend panoramic views of Seto Inland Sea will open up, including the Sanuki Plain with its many small lakes.


FJ article: Sanuki Udon’s birthplace is Kagawa

Next time, let me share the route for Himeji of Honshu islands.

To be continued

【Route: Onomichi - Takamatsu】


↓ Shimanami Kaido Cycling Road (partly Bike path is still not available)(80km)


↓ Prefectural road #38(9km)

↓ Route #196(12km)

↓ Prefectural Road #13(41km)

↓ Route #11(23km),Route #377(23km)


■Kotohira A town has Konpira-san

↓ Shimanami Route #32(22km)

↓ Cycling Road(9km)



Survey[Survey] Traveling to Japan
