I can't eat raw egg, but I can eat this! Fluffy tamago kake gohan


"Tamago Kake Gohan"-- hot rice topped with a raw egg -- is like soul food for the Japanese. The dish is so popular you can even buy a special blend of soy sauce to go with it. The slimy texture of raw egg white is not to everyone's liking however.

If you are one of those people, here's some good news: we're going to introduce a version of “tamago kake gohan” which is more palatable. The egg white ends up with a fluffy texture, and we're sure you will find it delicious. So please give it a try. All you need to do is just to beat air into the egg white to turn the dishes into a delicious and photogenic "Tamago kake gohan"!

Ingredients (serves one)

  • 1 egg
  • 1 bowl of rice
  • soy sauce to taste
  • ※ Seaweed, etc according to your preference 

How to make

  1. Separate the egg white and yolk.
  2. Make a meringue with the egg white. ※ This time we made meringue using a milk foamer jug bought at a 100 yen shop, but you  can of course make it with a whisk or fork or chopsticks.
  3. Place then meringue and then the egg yolk on hot cooked rice and pour soy sauce over it. It will be even better if you add your preferred topping. 


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