The people around the world enthusiastic for the World Cup in every four years. Even people who are not interested in football will become fans during this period. Why those fans are willing to stay awake until mid-night just to watch the World Cup competition? No matter in which sports game, the players have undergone training for a long period, to break through their own limitation and compete vigorously. Besides that, it is also a charm that the players who compete in the game seriously and with high teamwork spirits.
Sports is a “common language” of the world

You can interact with people who is from different countries and language, but like the same sports as you. Besides, you will have the opportunity to learn different culture. 2021 World Masters Games 2021 Kansai is a good opportunity for all of us. Athletes from all over the world will gather and make it a carnival! Anyone over 30 years old can join this event. If you like canoes (Dragon Boat), boats, athletics (10km road race), hockey, softball, or baseball (softball baseball), please come to Shiga prefecture in Japan since all of these competitions are to be held at Shiga Prefecture. Besides sports, let's enjoy sightseeing as well!
When we mention about Shiga prefecture, we will definitely think of Lake Biwa

Shiga Prefecture is one of the prefectures in Japan which has no coastline. Lake Biwa in Shiga Prefecture is the largest lake in Japan. It occupies about one-sixth of Shiga prefecture, and is very precious. With Lake Biwa in the center, there are Lake Yogo, Mountain Ibuki and mountain Hira neighboring which create Lake Biwa National Park. There are also many sightseeing places. You can also take a sightseeing boat at Lake Biwa and enjoy the scenery while eating snacks. Lake Biwa Fireworks festival in summer is also popular, and it was held on 7th August 2018 in this year. By the way, canoe (Dragon Boat) and the boat competition of 2021 World Masters Games are also held at Lake Biwa. Don’t you think it is so interesting to be able to participate the competition in the largest lake in Japan!

Kaizu Osaki: Enjoying showering of the falling cherry blossom while cycling

Kaizu Osaki which located at the northwestern part of Lake Biwa, is one of the famous cherry blossoms viewing spot in Japan. However, the period of cherry blossom viewing is later compared to the cherry blossom blooming in Kanto, Kyoto and Osaka. You just need to get off at JR Makino station and walk on foot for 2 km from the station to the cherry blossom park. It is very popular to lend a bicycle and cycling for sightseeing at here. It is also fun to enjoy the falling cherry blossom while cycling. Of course, you can also take a boat and enjoy the wonderful cherry blossom viewing!
World heritage of Shiga prefecture, Hieizan Enryakuji

Hieizan Enryakuji is said to be the mother mountain of Japanese Buddhism. There is no other physical building of Enryakuji. It was given the name of the Emperor Kanmu’s era, "Enryaku". "Enryakuji" is a generic name of Dou’u as high as Hieizan. The mountain is divided to few depends on its geography, the east one with the name "Todou", the west one with the name "Saito", and the north one with the name "Yokawa". These are called as three towers, each with a main hall. You can enjoy the sightseeing by taking shuttle bus of Hieizan. If you want to have in depth experience, we advise you to go as soon as you can. Now you can stay at Hieizan Enryaku Kaikan, so you could enjoy more with 2 days 1-night trip here. You can enjoy eating vegetarian dishes and also experience Zazen here. It is important to take a good rest in this fast-paced society nowadays.
You can find the popular character in Japan, Hikonyan at Hikone Castle!

There are many popular characters in Japan. "Kumamon" is famous in overseas, but "Hikonyan" is also one of the most popular character in Japan. Hikone Castle is one of the five national treasure in Japan. Hikonyan was born in 2007 when Hikone castle fortification 400 years festival was held. It is a popular character wearing the same helmet as the castle owner with three heads, pretty in appearance. Since Hiko appears in Hikone castle every day, please check the appearance schedule of Hikobome before going!

Hikonyan's webpage: http://hikone-hikonyan.jp/

It is better to have an exercise habit in order to maintain your health. Furthermore, by having exercise you can release the stress of your daily life. If you are not interested to do exercise, you might want to consider sightseeing at the natural place on weekend or travel overseas might be a good choice for you.
If you want to know more about this competition, please click here → http://www.wmg2021.jp/en/