Karuizawa Prince Shopping Plaza, the so called Karuizawa Outlet, is among the best shopping plaza to bring you a wonderful experience in Japan. In our previous article, I tried to tell you WHY you should visit this outlet shopping mall.
In this article, I will try to tell you HOW you can enjoy this shopping mall more if you visit this place. These are the places that you might want to utilize during your visit.
(1) The information center, if you want to get some extra discount.
Please ask for the “PRINCE COUPON”. It contains discount for shops, restaurants and facilities around this area.
(2) The prayer room, if you are a Muslim
If you need a prayer room, you can either book the prayer room at the information center near the JR Karuizawa once you arrive to the Karuizawa. Or, you can make a phone call when you reach the place. The staff will come and open the lock.
After using the player room, please fill in the form, and left the room unlock.
(3) The nursing rooms and the kids park, if you have babies or kids or babies
This shopping outlet makes sure that families with kids enjoy shopping here too. There are at least 50 baby strollers stand by at the information center.
There are 5 nursing rooms available in this plaza. However, you might want to use the one near to the food court as it is the most spacious and equipped with 4 private rooms. It is also located strategically convenient for other family members to access shops or food court when you take care of the baby.
For toddlers, can either visit the NAMCO Asobi- park indoor playground or the outdoor kids park
(4) The Adidas or the Timberland, for shoes lovers
According to the staff from the Adidas shop, the shoes are selling good to tourist from Asian countries.
And of course, Timberland is a place you should not miss. I am wearing Timberland, and I found a similar model during my visit. The discounted price is just so cheap that I have to ask if that is the price for 1 pair? Or 2 pairs?
The price for 2 pairs was actually lower than the normal price for one pair! (Please note that the discount and price might change when you visit this shop)
(5) The JUNGLE , if you like Disney goods or anime character
Look at the Duffy collection that you can get here!
(6) The Mikado Coffee, if you like nice coffee.
Japan has few high-quality coffee shops with not much branches. This is one of them. The shop provides nice ice cream (soft cream) with coffee flavor too. As a coffee lover, I am amazed with the ability of the blended coffee that create the imagination of the chocolate which is limited during the VALENTINE season.
This is the recommended menu: The Mocha Espresso set (the ice cream with the espresso)
I bought some drip coffee
(7) The Nishiki Chicken Ramen, if you like Ramen.
This is a chicken-based ramen, but not just a normal shop. It won 4 years consecutively for the longest queue during the Tokyo Ramen Show. If you take a 10-hour flight to visit somewhere, and pay 9,000 yen for your meal, then fact that the food taste nice, is maybe nothing special. But, just image that you can order this famous ramen at a food court at a cost of 900 yen! Is there any reason you should miss this ramen?
(8) The SAWAYA, if you like fruit jam.
This is another local company which provide high-quality products. This shop is located at the souvenir section. The taste is just superb! Why I have the confident to say that?
Because I bought few bottles of jam during my previous visit, and I finish it within 2 weeks!
So, I bought another 4 bottles of jam in this trip. Well, you might want to call that “Cheak’s Selection”
(9) The Sakuya, if you like the if want to taste some real Japanese food
Dashi (the soup) is something very important during the preparing process of Japanese food. In this shop the base soup is preparing that using the dried fishes, kelp, shrimp, etc. The shop owner is confident enough to show you the ingredient they use. The soup will be adjusted and flavored to prepare meals in this restaurant.
(10) Try to search for this heart-shaped tile, if you like treasure hunt.
There are too many shops in the compound like Champion, AZUL by mousy, INGNI, XLARGE x-girl, G-SHOCK, FURLA, Wacoal, iittala, A Bathing Ape, TAKEO KIKUCHI and so on…. (For those who are interested, please check this website: http://www.karuizawa-psp.jp/en/shopguide)
I hope that my article provides some hints for you enjoy your shopping experience here.
For those who visited this place before, do share your experience with us too!
- Name: Karuizawa Prince Shopping Plaza
- Address: P.C. 389-0102 Karuizawa, Karuizawa Machi, Kitasaku-Gun, Nagano-Ken, Japan
- Phone: +81-267-42-5211
- URL: http://www.karuizawa-psp.jp/en/
