Japan has always been seen as a high-tech country and it is still the same nowadays. They are constantly improving and developing their products with amazing designs. This time, we are going to take a look at the electric stores and some new interesting electronic devices in Japan!

I am here in Akihabara, because, as you know, if you want anything that’s related to electronics, here is always the ideal place. This time, I am going to take you to Yodobashi-Akiba, which is an enormous shopping mall that has 7 floors of electronic devices. The price might not be the best, but you can just find almost everything here. And the best thing is that they provide sample for most of the products, so instead of looking at the catalog and using your imagination of how the product show work, you can actually pick up the products that you want and see if it is the one that meet your needs. That’s what I do when I am about to purchase a camera.

Talking about cameras, I check out the newest cameras! The first one is the dream camera that I am not yet ready to afford, the Canon 5D Mark IV! It’s the new high-end full-frame camera from Canon. It has been 4 years since the last update. It shoots in 30.4 megapixel with CMOS sensor and the Digic 6+ processor. It has 61 AF points. And it shoots videos in 4K! If you don’t know what I am taking about, it’s fine. It is just a new powerful camera that drives camera maniacs crazy.

The next new camera is an entry to middle tier lightweight APS-C camera from Nikon, the Nikon D5600. It is an update from the last version, D5500. The flip-screen is one of the best features in this series. Because the upper tier cameras don’t really have this feature, and it’s sometimes a struggle while taking videos. Other than that, this camera provides good image quality with 24.16 megapixel. And a new feature in this camera is the “SnapBridge”, which allows users to connect their smartphones to the cameras and do all the controls. So it is a pretty decent camera for entry level.

There is also something interesting. I find this cardboard camera. It’s a kit camera, so you have to put all the pieces together by yourself. By doing so, you might learn something about how the camera works. Yet, I still really doubt that if it can really take pictures. So if you get one of these, please tell me the result!

Going to other floors, you can check out some appliances. What I find interesting is this washing machine. Look at it! It’s so adorable! The cubic design just drags my sight to it. If I have this I would enjoy every of my laundry time.

Here is a 3 million yen TV that might spoil your eyes.

Can you tell what this is? This is a food dryer. It’s my first time seeing this kind of device. Basically, you put fruits, fishes, or smoked meat in it, and it just dries them off. You don’t need to buy dried snacks from the outside, because you can make you own with this machine without the Sun!

Finally, here are some amazingly designed heaters. You might think that it uses fire right? Nope, they are electronic devices, which means that they are just normal heaters. But who wouldn’t want one of these in their room, it seems so much warmer!
Checking out the electronic devices in Japan is like visiting a technology exhibition for me. You see a lot of innovation in Japanese electronic devices. It is absolutely fun to visit electronics stores when you come to Japan.
Yodobashi- Akiba
Hours: 9:30AM- 10:00PM
Access: Akibahara Station Showa-Dori exit