For fans of Japanese animation films, movie Tonari no Totoro or in English titled My Neighbor Totoro may already be familiar. Films produced by Studio Ghibli with director Hayao Miyazaki, one background scene of the forest Totoro located in Tokorozawa city. Kurosuke no Ie or Kuroske's House, located in within a few kilos of the forest. Kurosuke itself is one of the characters in the film Totoro that is round and black.
For access to Kurosuke no Ie, you take a train from Ikebukuro Station go to Hanno with Seibu Ikebukuro line, and get off at Kotesashi station. After arriving at the Kotesashi station, get out from the south exit, then take the bus to Waseda university or can also to Miyadera Nishi, and then get off at the bus stop Dainichido. From the bus stop, you walk about 290 m and up to 5 minutes you can arrive at the location. There is no car parking area at Kurosuke no Ie, but there are several pay parking lot can be used in the vicinity of there.
Overall the place is 900m2, in the vicinity there are tea gardens, bamboo forest and a small river. The main house of Kurusuke no Ie was used to be a house in the city of Ogose, then moved to this location. The age of the house itself is over 100 years old, built in around the Meiji era. To strengthen the old house, in 2005 already renovated and still retain atmosphere farmhouses in ancient times.
In the main house, there is a statue Totoro sitting in the house which is about 2 meters high.
After you get into this house, the atmosphere of ancient houses in Japan is realized, the doors are still using the sliding door, and also still left the hearth in ancient times.
In one corner of the first floor, there is a sale of merchandise such as t-shirts, pins, postcards etc. Very suitable for souvenirs.
On the second floor, there are photographs Totoro forest and also the distribution area. Ancient house is designed without ceiling makes the roof frame made of wood clearly visible.
In front of the main house, there is a house that was previously used as a warehouse. In the corners of the walls and roof of the warehouse, there are a lot of kurosuke. Within that warehouse, there are photographs of the forests in the background of the film Tonari no Totoro along the diorama. In addition, there are some wooden artifacts and miniature characters Totoro and Kurosuke.
Name :Kurosuke no Ie
Address : Saitama ken, Tokorozawa shi, Mikajima 3-1169-1
Telephone: 04-2947-6047
Open time 10:00 – 15:00
Close at Monday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday
Admission : Free entrance