What Japanese Women Have in Their Cosmetic Pouch! Vol.1 - “30’s Marunouchi Office Worker Version”


75% of Japanese women make up every day(*). There’re many world-famous cosmetic brands from Japan, so we are curious what items Japanese women use to make up. At this time, we’ll check a cosmetic pouch of Ms.K who works as office worker in Tokyo! She has a lot of items in her cosmetic pouch! She shows us how and when she use these items!

(*) researched by Pola Research Institute of Beauty and Culture, 2010

Using Blush and Face Powder for Fixing Her Makeup


Ms.K usually fixes her makeup once a day after having a lunch at restroom in office. These are the item that she uses for fixing her makeup. Especially, blush (upper right side of pic) is her must have item cuz when she puts blush on, her face becomes glower. After she puts on blush, she’ll put face powder on (left side of pic), then it makes her face a good complexion, so she doesn’t need to put foundation on. At last, she put lip gloss on and finish! “Fast and efficiency” is the important point of her everyday fixing makeup. 

Focusing on Eye Makeup When She Wears Full Coverage Glam Makeup


Ms.K says, “When I have a dinner meeting or go out for a date, I focus on eye makeup”. When she wears glam eye makeup on, she can brace herself up and can talk to people with looking at their eyes. She uses both eyeshadow and eyeliner. She uses natural matte color for work and uses one with glitter for date. Also, mascara and eyelash curler are must have goods, too!

Don’t Forget about Oral Care! Brushing Teeth at The Outside


The last items are oral care goods. Ms.K brushes her teeth even though she goes out to eat. Ms.K says, “My objective of brushing teeth is preventing from cavity and refreshing my mood, too!” Also, when she is too busy to brush her teeth, she chews oral care gum. Japanese office workers care about makeup, but also, they care about oral. One last item is swab. Swab is very useful when she wants to fix eyeliner or removes a mascara on her eyelid. 

Using Different Cosmetics Depending on Situation!


Women office workers in Tokyo have a lot of items for daily makeup, full coverage glam makeup, and oral care items in their cosmetic pouches. They are choosing the items which are convenient and useful for them, and they use so many different items depend on situation. 


Survey[Survey] Traveling to Japan
