Meet Real Samurai in Ginza! Be Amazed with the Play Beyond Description


Samurai battles scene! The Samurai Entertainment with that super high-quality battle scene, plus dance, wire-flying actions, and project mapping had just started. It is gaining good reviews. A non-verbal performance with powerful visual and audio expression, for sure will amaze you. If you come near to Ginza, you have no reason to miss this new-style show.

70 Minutes of Condensed Japanese Attractiveness


Not only performance like sward battle, the latest Japanese technology is making this show an enjoyable show. A ceiling with 2,700 LEDs, and the illusive atmosphere created by those LEDs, and the huge project mapping. On top of that, you receive an unexpected performance by wire-flying actions 7 meters above audience seat! Both traditional and the latest charm Japanese is bringing a wonderful experience to the audience. Everyone would say that the 70-minute show finished in just a blink.

Young Artists Around Twenty with Their Passion



“ALATA” is trying to express not only the charm of Japan, but also “the Spirit of Japan”. Artists try to deliver messages like, “the Ideal Japanese”, “the Heart of Japanese”thru performance. They are all around 20 years old. The directors are Yokoushi Kensuke (横内謙介) who received Otani Awards the second time for his “One Piece” in Super Kabuki II 2015, And also Okamura Junichi (岡村俊一) who even participated in EXILE’s stage preparation. 

Check out the trailer here!

Schedule, Ticket Price and Access


Please check at this website.

◆Ticket Price

8,000yen (tax included)


Name:Alternative Theatre

Address:2-5-1 Yurakucho Center Bldg (Yurakucho Mullion) Annex 7F,

Yurakucho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

Capacity:462 seats(including 52 standing)

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