Ryugaku is the Japanese word for “studying abroad”. You can also say Ryugakusei to mean international student.
With the many exchange programs offered at Japanese universities, as well as the popularity of working holiday visas, there are many international students from other countries in Japan as well as Japanese students studying abroad all over the world.
The most popular destinations for international students from Japan include English-speaking countries such as America, Canada, Australia, and England. Places like Germany and surrounding Asian countries are also common choices.
If you are interested in Japanese culture, or even learning the language, why not consider studying abroad in Japan? It might turn out to be the experience of a lifetime!
Let’s remember the following useful sentences before going to Japan!
●Saikin wa koukan ryugaku ga ninki desune.
> Recently international exchange programs are popular aren’t they!
●Ryugaku shita koto wa arimasuka?
> Have you studied abroad before?
Now all that’s left is to go out there and try using them in Japan!
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Seiriken (整理券) Fun! Japan Words vol.145