Omotenashi (おもてなし) Fun! Japan Words vol.129


Japan is famous for its world class customer service and hospitality. The word we will learn today is the word for “hospitality” in Japanese, Omotenashi (おもてなし).

The keys to Japan’s flourishing hospitality industry that set it apart from many countries in the world are sincerity and attention to detail. Being mindful about the situation, understanding the mood and people’s needs are extremely important to excellent hospitality. It is difficult to attain this level of attentiveness without genuine concern from the heart.

Fortunately for Japanese people, this ability is pretty much engrained in their DNA. Japanese culture values politeness highly and children are taught from a young age proper manners and how to read the atmosphere. This almost selfless culture of service can be observed when subordinates pour beer for their bosses, or when tea is offered to guests at the office.

But, enough talking about Japanese hospitality. It’s time to experience it for yourself by visiting Japan!

Let’s remember the following useful sentences before going to Japan!


●Anata no kuni deha dou iu omotenashi no bunka ga arimasuka?
> What kind of culture of hospitality do you have in your country?

●Nihon de keiken shita omotenashi wa doudeshitaka?
> How was the hospitality that you experienced in Japan?


Now all that’s left is to go out there and try using them in Japan!

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