Okaidoku (お買い得) Fun! Japan Words vol.125


While walking around shopping districts, department stores, and city streets, you will most likely run into the following words plastered all over store fronts, windows, and flyers. If you do online shopping, you will see them on e-commerce websites as well. Remember it well, Okaidoku (お買い得), the Japanese word for bargain, or sale!

Shopping is one of the top activities to do for tourists in Japan, especially if they are visiting Tokyo or Osaka. It’s no surprise given that Tokyo is regarded as a fashion capital, and Japan is famous for its meticulous attention to detail, skillful craftsmanship, and overall superb quality of goods.

Often, you will find the words “SALE” or “50% OFF”, etc. placed right next to the words okaidoku when you see it. So perhaps you can shop in Japan and get by without ever learning the word. But, since you’re here already, we might as well spend a few moments and remember the word! It will definitely come in handy when navigating shops in Japan!

Let’s remember the following useful sentences before going to Japan!


●Ii mono wo konnani yasui nedan de te ni ireru no ha hontouni okaidoku desuyo ne!
> Getting good quality items at this cheap of a price is a total bargain!

●Okaitoku kaiteattanoni, konna nedan tte gyaku ni bottakuri de ha naideshouka!
> Even though it said it was a sale, with this price, isn’t it just a rip off?


Now all that’s left is to go out there and try using them in Japan!

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