“Petit Price” Moisturizer – Tonyu Isofrabon Series

In Japan in winter, the air is so dry and skin moisturizer is a big deal to keep your skin condition. There are many skin conditioning cosmetic and good ones are very expensive like ones from Shiseido. I know expensive ones work very well but I cannot afford them, so I am using ones called “Puchi Pura Cosme” (Petit Price Cosmetic). “Puchi Pura” means cheap price. Mostly people call cosmetics “Puchi Pura Cosme” that you can buy under 1,000 yen. I would like to introduce my favorite skin care series. Here is the moisturizing cream of that series SANA Nameraka Honpo Tonyu Isofurabon (なめらか本舗豆乳イソフラボン).


As a moisturizing ingredient, soy milk is used in this product. The catch copy of this series is “Fukkura Mochi Hada” that means “fluffy soft and mochi-like skin”, so these products make your skin moister and softer. All products of this series are for who has dry skin and aim to moisturize your skin with fermented soy milk essence. This cream is put before you go to bed so your skin would be moisturized while you are sleeping.



It contains 50g and price is 950 yen plus tax. I use this cream only the days I feel still dry after using lotion and emulsion, so 50g is enough for whole season. I have some skin allergy and some skin care products make my skin even drier or I get rash and feel itchy, but since I started using this series, I have never had any skin problem.


The cream is so light and not oily, and doesn’t have any scent. It is really soft so it easy to apply. When I use this cream, I can tell the difference feeling my skin is moist and soft next morning. Because this cream contains ingredients from soybean and no color, mineral oil and scent, I do not need to worry about chemical allergies. That is the reason why I choose this series.


I use this series for all my skin care – facial wash, lotion, emulsion and moisturizing cream for years. Even though, all of them are under 1,000 yen, they work really well and my skin condition is great even when it is dry winter weather in Japan. This series also have ones for whitening and aging-care, so you should check them out and find perfect one for you!

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