Nimotsu (荷物) Fun! Japan Words vol.115


Nimotsu (荷物) is a Japanese word, which normal meaning luggage. 荷 (ni) means baggage, 物 (motsu) means thing.
For many visitors, they could easy see this word in airport. That is ”手荷物受取所 (tenimotsu uketorijo)” after arriving in Japan airport. ”手荷物受取所 (tenimotsu uketorijo)” refers to the Baggage Claim area. This is where you pick up your luggage that was checked in on your flight.

Nimotsu (荷物) also have a meaning of deliver stuff. After order through online website, you will receive a Nimotsu from the website.

Let’s remember the useful sentences before going to Japan!


●Watashi no tenimotsu wa unsou tyu ni funshitsu shita.
>My baggage was lost in transit.

●Kono nimotsu wo heya made motteitte kudasai.
>Please bring this luggage to my room.


Did you get them?? Use words / sentences we introduced today when you are in Japan!

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