Shigoto (仕事) Fun! Japan Words vol.114


Shigoto (仕事) is a Japanese word meaning work, occupation, employment, business. The meaning of this word seems very simple, but today I would like to write a little about what do the Japanese think of Shigoto (仕事). 

Work is normal things for almost of people. But for Japanese, they are not only working for salary but also for loyalties and social pressure. This is how they learn from an early age at school and from their parents. You could say Japanese work hard such long hours. That is just a result come from They care about their work always. 

Let’s remember the useful sentences before going to Japan!


●Anata no shigoto wa nan desuka?
> What is your occupation?

●kyo wa shigoto ga takusan arimasu. 
>I have too much work have to do today. 


Did you get them?? Use words / sentences we introduced today when you are in Japan!

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