Tamodachi (友達) is a Japanese word meaning friend(s). When you say "a friend of someone", you can say normally " someone no tomodachi " in Japanese.
Here In Japan, there are two types friendship, “Yuujin” and "tomodachi".In most situations, both words are translated as “friend” in English, but "tomodachi" is casual and used more often. tomodachi (友達) is the friend you like to hang out with and go to activities with. So when someone introduce you as Tamodachi (友達) ,it means in a feeling you are more intimate friend. But it all depends on a very personal. Tamodachi (友達) don't use on business.
Let’s remember the useful sentences before going to Japan!
●Watashi wa take-san no tomodachi desu.
> I'm a friend of take.
● Watashi wa Nippon ni takusan tomodachi ga imasu.
> I have many friends in Japan.
For more words/phases, check out here!
Imoto no yuujin wa Nippon he benkyo ni i kimasu.
Sister’s Yuujin is going to study in Japan.
Did you get them?? Use words / sentences we introduced today when you are in Japan!
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