出発・到着(Shuppatsu・Touchaku) Fun! Japan Words vol.77


How do you ask when the vehicle(bus/train/airplane/ boat) leaves or the vehicle arrives? Today, Fun!Japan is going to introduce Japanese words: 出発・到着(Shuppatsu・Touchaku), which is common Japanese travel phrases. 

出発 (Shuppatsu) means “departure”, it can be used when people or somethings move away from a place into another direction.到着(Touchaku) means “arrive”, people or somethings to get to the place.   

Here is an example, they use 出発(Shuppatsu) in the context of someone asking a colleague when they are leaving for a business trip.
Q:Shuppatsu wa kyou desu ka?
Is your departure today?
S: hai, kyou desu.
  It is today.

Here is another example for到着(Touchaku).
Q:Densha wa nanji ni touchaku shimasu ka?
When does the train arrive?
S:Shichiji desu.
  It is 7:00.

Hope this phrase will help you when you traveling in Japan.

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