“konnichiwa” (こんにちは) Fun! Japan Words vol.72


Do you enjoy learning Japanese language? This time, Fun!Japan is going to introduce the word of “konnichiwa” that is often used in Japanese daily conversation. By mastering the basics word of “konnichiwa”, you can make first step to talk with Japanese people in any situation. So please remember it!

“konnichiwa” have an origin of ”How are you feeling today?” (今日はご機嫌いかがですか?). In other words, “konnichiwa” is a shortened version of full and meaningful greeting.
In general, this word can be used from lunch time to evening. You can use different greeting in morning and night. Because “Konnnichiwa” can be used as general greeting, you can use it for both your friends and person you meet at the first time. Let's look at a simple example:
■ Tanaka: "Yoshida-san, konnichiwa!"
■ Yoshida: "Tanaka-san, konnichiwa! It is a good weather today!"

It’s easy to see Japanese people communicate by using "konnichiwa" in everyday life. Although it's difficult for you to become perfect Japanese speaker just by remembering few phrases, learning some useful phrases in Japanese will definitely help you in many situations.

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