Don’t get heat stroke!

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Every summer, there is a news bulletin reporting the number of deaths caused by heat stroke.

In 2014, 40,048 were carried to hospitals for heat strokes, and 55 died.

Tourists are by no means immune – just a few weeks ago, a teenage girl visiting Japan for a holiday was carried to hospital after feeling sick in central Tokyo.

So, how should you prepare for the worst?

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Avoid walking around in the heat: The easiest way to avoid walking around in the hottest part of the day between 12-3pm.

My favourite time to explore is in the morning!

There are fewer people about, it’s cooler, and you’re able to use a full day without waste.

Meanwhile, you can spend the hottest hours indoors, eating a leisurely lunch, shopping, or perhaps enjoying a siesta in your hotel room.

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Don’t drink coffee or alcohol only: Japan in the summer is flooded with advertisements for the latest beer.

An overheated body that has lost a lot of sweat needs water and salt.

Recommended sports drinks are the infamous “Pocari Sweat” (tastes much better than the name might suggest), and “Aquarius”.

Of course, the Japanese way to cool down is to find a kakigori (shaved ice) stall!

Or use the ultra-convenient vending machines.

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If you feel like you have a heat stroke, call 119 for ambulance services.

Survey[Survey] Traveling to Japan
