Dorayaki Quest! Black Beans Dorayaki!

※This article was published at

November 2014.

Dorayaki quest is an endless adventure.

There are always new dorayaki waiting to be discovered.

What will be this week’s dorayaki? A traditional one? A modern one?

It’ll be kuromame dorayaki!


How does it taste? Let’s see!


This dorayaki looks normal from above, but you’ll see that the inside is nothing orthodox!

You’ll find the classic anko filling, but also a lot of black beans.

These black beans are called “kuro mame” in Japanese and are usually cooked in syrup or water with a lot of sugar.

They taste quite different from red beans (small azuki beans) used in the anko filling.

Since black beans are a little bit hard, it’s interesting to taste two different textures when you eat the dorayaki.

Black beans are used in many sweets in Japan, like kuromame daifuku, but also eaten as a side dish and it is a part of the traditional New Year food box.

You can find this dorayaki in the 100yen shop chain called Can Do.

There are a lot of Can Do shops all around Japan.



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