People outside of Japan are not familiar with this, but it’s called “Tamagokakegohan”.
It is said that Japanese started to eat eggs during Edo period.
There is a record which shows that a war correspondent ate a raw egg on top of rice for the first time in 1877.
Egg was an expensive product during the war, however, it was considered as an invaluable resource for its high nutrition content.
Raw eggs are eaten only in a few countries. This habit can be found most commonly in Japan, Korea’s yukhoe and tartar steak in Europe.
The distribution system in Japan is highly developed with a strict hygiene control, therefore, food poisoning from bacteria is being prevented.
It is best to avoid the consumption of uncooked eggs in countries where this system is not yet established.
“Tamagokakegohan” was born in Misaki-cho, Okayama, where the inventor of this dish is from.
This town is located in the west of Japan and has a restaurant that specializes in “Tamagokakegohan”. It’s called “kamecchi syokudo”.
The soy sauce splashed on “Tamagokakegohan” is also produced locally, as well as the rice from terraced paddy fields in Okayama.
The rice is served with miso soup and tsukemono, pickled vegetables. The miso used in the soup, the pickles, the bowls and plates are also produced nearby.
Breaking a fresh egg on a bed of hot rice, with a dash of soy sauce; this is a very simple way but can also be arranged. You can use the topping such as kimchi, natto, seasoned cod roe or anything you like.
Each grain of rice gets coated by the rich, thick yolk and create an extraordinary taste.
Foreigners often eat sushi and tempura when they visit Japan, however, these dishes are served in many restaurants overseas. Do you know any restaurant that specialize in “Tamagokakegohan”?
When you visit Japan, I hope you experience the delights of raw eggs by trying this way of eating.