Hi, guys.
This is AL.
Today I’m gonna talk about Ashikaga Flower Park, one of most famous flower park in Japan that is chosen as one of CNN top 10 dream destination in the world in 2014!
One of reasons it is chosen as dream destination is wisteria. The wisteria flower looks like flower that you can see in a famous Hollywood movie, Avatar. If you are curious about the flower, don’t forget to read the part 2. Hehehe :p
Today, I want to introduce things that you can see and enjoy in Ashikaga Flower Park.
First thing first, let’s see the landscape panorama of Ashikaga Flower Park!

The park has many kinds of flowers with different color. It’s really pleasant to see, and since it’s flower it’s also really pleasant to smell (^o^)
It also has pond where some hydrophyte plant such lotus lives.

In the middle of some ponds, you can also find a pyramid with beautiful arrangement of flowers!

If you want to see a “carpet” made of flower, you can take a look at this phlox carpet!

Or if you are a fan of macro photography, you can also photograph bees and other insects here. Just take a look at this bee flying around the beautiful lavender!

You can also buy many kinds of flowers here. For example, this re-colored natural roses.

These are other flower photos that I took guys.

Ashikaga Flower Park located in Tochigi Prefecture. The nearest station is called Tomita Station. It only takes 2 hours from Tokyo Station.
The admission price is different each season. For detailed info of the park, check Ashikaga Flower Park Official Site
If you want to see the star of Ashikaga Flower Park, the wisteria flower, don’t forget to check out part 2!