The best fireworks seeing experience than ever at…? -Siah's field trip journal-

Talking about summer, the event of the season that most people will be looking forward is the fireworks festival.

It was a general and simple introduction, so this time I will share my real experience at the Atami Sea this year.

Last Sunday, I got the chance to attend this fireworks festival held at Atami, Shizuoka prefecture. My friend is a professional “seat finder“.

Why I say so is because he already knew which spot would be closest to the fireworks.

There are sometimes firework festivals are too crowded in Tokyo, so even though the fireworks are pretty , there is a very big possibility you need to stand in the center of  the crowd for 2 or 3 hours, being “handicapped” temporarily and easily lose your patience.

Fortunately, the fireworks festival at the Atami Sea is more spacious and less crowded.With the good seat my friend found for me, the fireworks displayed was like just in front of me, as if the firesparks were going to reach me.


This is how near I was to the fireworks at Atami. And such distance to the fireworks gave me the best fireworks seeing experience than ever.




I love fireworks.
And fireworks in Japan are awesome because the display time is longer than any other country. I think the fireworks display is different in every place, so if you are a fireworks fan, you can travel around the whole Japan to explore different kinds of fireworks in each place.

Also, the fireworks displays at Atami are not only limited to summer. So if you happen to miss this summer’s fireworks festival at Japan, you can still visit Atami to see beautiful fireworks  in autumn or winter.

Remember to find out where will the fireworks be displayed and get the perfect seat!

For more information about the fireworks schedule at Atami, please refer to

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