[KAWAII – GU Petit Price coordination] Vol. 4
At the last time, we introduced the coordinates with the same tops but orange one. But, we get many requests from FUN! JAPAN users like, “I got it.. but orange is difficult! Don’t you have another color?” So, we get navy this time. Navy is easy to use in your coordinate. We’ll introduce handmade accessories made by our model like last time! So, please read through until last!

This navy tops can use for business look. Coordinate with using similar colors makes look stylish and formal. At first, we coordinate pale blue pants with navy tops, and if you choose blue for bag, then the coordinate looks stylish. If you don’t know what you should wear, then try to coordinate with similar colors, the coordinate will be settle. At this time, we choose pointed toe pumps, it makes coordinate cool!

Changing Necklines Changes Impression of Face

Either non-collar or with collar shirts, v-neck or crew-neck, and so on. . .The shape of neckline is important cuz it changes impression of face a lot.
Collared shirts or v-neck are for formal coordinate, crew-neck, no-collar or rounded-neck are for cute coordinate. This navy tops can be either v-neck or crew-neck and you can choose whichever you want depends on what coordinate you want to wear. The coordinate in the pic uses crew-neck side and coordinate with white pants. The impression of this coordinate is a little bit feminine.
Adding Some Hand-made Accessories and Make The Coordinate Gorgeous!

In the last article, some of our users sent us questions about handmade accessories. Those accessories were made by our model. If your dream brand or luxury brand’s accessories are too expensive to buy them. In that case, let’s make accessories by yourselves! The first step is observing an accessory that you want, and next step is going to a store which have parts that you need to make an accessory. You don’t have to make it in the same look as the one you want, you can add some arrangement by yourself. If you make your favorite accessory by yourself, it’ll be much fun to decide the coordinate with your handmade accessory!