What Japanese Women Have in Their Cosmetic Pouch! Vol.5 - “Woman who works at electronic company version”


Our weekly favorite “What Japanese Women Have in Their Cosmetic Pouch” series. At this time, we’ll check the cosmetic pouch of the women who works at electronic company. Inside of the building is dry and sometimes it’s too cold, too. Many women have problems like makeup coming off, and lips get dry, in this situation. These items she has is must see for the people who have that kind of problems.

Pale pink lipstick, deep pink lipstick, lipstick with pearl, lip gloss, and more


Chap stick is important to prevent lips from dry. She puts them on often at her work. But, why does she have those many lipsticks??

She says, “I have pale pink lipstick, deep pink lipstick, lipstick with pearl, and lip gloss. I believe that I should change lip color depends on situation like morning, noon, or evening, also at work, at conference or dinner with business partner”. It is so true cuz if we wear glittery lipstick in the morning, it’s too much, also if we wear a natural color for dinner with business partner, it doesn’t look professional. She keeps the balance with lip makeup.

What is this clear panel. . .? Let’s dig into her lip makeup items!

Using lip blush to apply lip gross


She doesn't apply lipstick to her lips directly. She usually uses lip blush to apply it. So, what is this clear panel?
“This is the same thing as sales assistant at cosmetic shop does to us. I put lipstick or lip gloss on this panel and apply it on my lips by lip blush.”
It’s true that her lip makeup is nicely done, also it is great that she keeps her lipstick and lip gloss clean. Now, let’s see how she wears lips makeup on.
At this time, we use this lip gloss.


First, put a lip gloss on this clear panel.


Then, put it on lip blush and apply it on lips. 
It looks like time consuming, but when we see the pic, we can know that it doesn't take long.


How was it? If you either always wear the same lip makeup or take lip makeup serious, you should try this way of lip makeup. And, please give us a feedback about how you think about this way of makeup. Also, she shows us what she has in her business bag, too. We’ll be happy if you check that article too!


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