Top 10 Hot Springs with Stunning Autumn Foliage in Japan

  • Sept 4, 2024
  • Sept 2, 2024
  • Shiori

When it comes to the charm of Japan in autumn, nothing beats the breathtaking colors of the changing leaves. For just a brief month, mountains turn vivid shades of red and yellow, creating picturesque landscapes that soothe the soul.

And speaking of relaxation, hot springs are another beloved spot for unwinding. This article introduces you to some of the best locations across Japan where you can enjoy both the vibrant autumn leaves and a soothing hot spring experience.

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(1) Hokkaido | Jozankei Onsen 

Hokkaido  Jozankei Onsen
Copyright: kkday

Jozankei Onsen is a popular hot spring resort located about an hour by bus from central Sapporo, Hokkaido.

Surrounded by mountains on all sides, Jozankei offers spectacular views of autumn foliage from late September to mid-October. Whether from your room or an open-air bath, you can soak in the vibrant colors of the season.

One of the most famous spots is the bright red Futami Suspension Bridge, which spans a gorge. From the bridge, you can admire the leaves from above or see their reflection in the water below. For those who prefer a leisurely walk, the Futami Jozan Trail along the river is a great choice for a relaxing stroll among the trees.

From early to late October, you can also hop on the "Kappa Foliage Bus," which operates four times a day, offering guided tours of Jozankei’s top five autumn foliage spots. It’s a convenient and enjoyable way to see the best of the area.

Jozankei Onsen

  • Access: Take the Rapid Airport train from New Chitose Airport to Sapporo Station. From Sapporo Station, it’s about 60 minutes by direct bus on the Kappa Liner to Jozankei Onsen.

Autumn Leaves Kappa Bus

  • Operating period: October 1st to 21st
  • Price: ¥600
  • Boarding Point: Jozankei Tourist Information Center (3-225 Jozankei Onsen Higashi, Minami-ku, Sapporo City)
  • Reservations: Same-day reservations only at the Jozankei Tourist Information Center

👉Mori no Uta Hotel Onsen Experience with Lunch Buffet & Transportation | Hokkaido

(2) Aomori Prefecture | Oirase Keiryu Onsen

Aomori Prefecture Oirase Keiryu Onsen
© Tohoku Tourism Promotion Organization

Oirase Keiryu Onsen in Towada, Aomori Prefecture, is a hot spring town located at the entrance to the Oirase Gorge, one of Tohoku’s top tourist destinations and a two-star attraction in the Michelin Green Guide.

At the Hoshino Resort Oirase Keiryu Hotel, you can soak in an open-air bath while enjoying views of the gorge and its vibrant autumn foliage. The hotel also offers tours on an open-top bus, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the autumn beauty of Oirase Gorge.

As you explore the gorge, you'll encounter many highlights, including the dramatic "Ashura no Nagare" (Ashura Flow) and the impressive Choshi Otaki, a large waterfall with a 7-meter drop and 20-meter width. For those who prefer a more active experience, renting an electric-assist bicycle to ride along the gorge is highly recommended. The best time to enjoy the autumn leaves is from mid to late October.

Oirase Keiryu Onsen

  • Access:
    From Aomori Airport, take a bus to Aomori Station. From Aomori Station, take the JR bus bound for Towadako Yasumiya and get off at Yakeyama bus stop.
    Alternatively, from Shin-Aomori Station or Hachinohe Station on the Tohoku Shinkansen, take the JR bus bound for Towadako Yasumiya and get off at Yakeyama bus stop.

👉 Aomori Recommended Leisure and Experience Activities, Fun and Sightseeing Information

(3) Yamagata Prefecture | Zao Onsen

Yamagata Prefecture | Zao Onsen
Zao Mikama © Tohoku Tourism Promotion Organization 

Zao Onsen in Yamagata City, Yamagata Prefecture, is a historic hot spring that opened nearly 1,900 years ago. The highly acidic waters here are said to have beautifying effects on the skin.

Zao is well-known for its winter skiing and the stunning "snow monsters" (frozen trees) that appear during the colder months. However, the autumn foliage season is equally remarkable.

The symbol of Zao, alongside the snow monsters, is the crater lake "Okama." Surrounded by three mountains, this emerald green lake creates a mystical contrast with the autumn colors. You can also take the Zao Ropeway, which connects the base and the summit of the mountain, offering 360-degree panoramic views of the red and yellow-tinted mountains. The best time to view the autumn leaves in Zao is from early to mid-October.

Zao Onsen

  • Access: From Yamagata Station, take the Yamako bus bound for Zao Onsen and get off at Zao Onsen.

👉Zao Autumn Leaves & Fox Village 1Day OpenTop Bus· Tour from Sendai

(4) Tochigi Prefecture | Nikko Onsen

 Tochigi Prefecture Nikko Onsen
Copyright: kkday

Nikko Onsen in Tochigi Prefecture is located near two World Heritage-listed shrines (Nikko Toshogu Shrine and Nikko Futarasan Shrine) and one temple (Rinno-ji Temple).

The best time to enjoy the autumn leaves in Nikko is from mid-November to early December. You can admire the beautiful contrast between the red Shin-kyo Bridge at Nikko Futarasan Shrine and the autumn foliage, as well as the stunning maple trees lining the main approach to Nikko Toshogu Shrine.

During the autumn season, there's also a special event called "Light Up NIKKO," where the shrine and temple buildings are illuminated. In 2024, this event is scheduled to take place from November 29th to December 1st.

Nikko Onsen

👉Nikko Day Tour from Ginza: Nikko Toshogu, Kegon Falls, Nikko Onsen & Edo Wonderland | Japan

(5) Saitama Prefecture | Chichibu Onsen

Saitama Prefecture Chichibu Onsen
Copyright: kkday

Located in the northwestern part of Saitama Prefecture, the Chichibu area is home to numerous hot springs collectively known as Chichibu Onsen.

The best time to enjoy the autumn leaves in Chichibu is from early October to late November. The Nagatoro area, in particular, is famous for its vibrant maples and oaks lining the river, drawing many visitors for leaf-peeping. Each November, the "Nagatoro Autumn Leaves Festival" takes place, featuring illuminated displays at popular spots like the Tsukinoishi Momiji Park.

Chichibu is just about 80 minutes by train from Ikebukuro Station in Tokyo, making it an ideal destination for a day trip to enjoy both the autumn colors and hot springs.

Chichibu Onsen

  • Access: From Ikebukuro Station, take the Seibu Railway "Limited Express Laview" and get off at Seibu Chichibu Station.

👉Chichibu in Depth: Mitsumine Shrine and Nagatoro tour from Tokyo

(6) Shizuoka Prefecture | Shuzenji Onsen

Shizuoka Prefecture  Shuzenji Onsen
Copyright: kkday

Shuzenji Onsen, located on the Izu Peninsula in Shizuoka Prefecture, is a historic hot spring said to have been opened in 807 by Kobo Daishi, the founder of the Shingon sect of Buddhism. The spring water is mildly alkaline, known for its beneficial effects on cold sensitivity and fatigue recovery.

The hot spring town is spread along the Katsura River, and in autumn, the maples along the river turn brilliant shades of red and orange.

At the Shuzenji Nature Park, located on a hilltop, about 1,000 maple trees create a stunning display of autumn colors. On clear autumn days, you can enjoy the breathtaking view of these colorful trees with Mount Fuji in the background.

Shuzenji Onsen

  • Access: From Mishima Station, take the Izu Hakone Railway and get off at Shuzenji Station. From Shuzenji Station, take a bus to Shuzenji Onsen.

👉[One-day maple leaves viewing tour in Izu] Shuzenji Niji no Sato & Shuzenji Natural Park & ​​Shuzenji Onsen "Bamboo Forest Trail", Walk along the Red Bridge & Izu Panorama Park | Departing from Tokyo

(7) Gifu Prefecture | Gero Onsen 

Gifu Prefecture Gero Onsen
© Gifu Prefecture Tourism Federation 

Gero Onsen in Gifu Prefecture is one of Japan's top three hot springs, along with Arima Onsen in Hyogo Prefecture and Kusatsu Onsen in Gunma Prefecture.

Every November, the hot spring town hosts a stunning autumn leaves illumination, where you can enjoy the magical scenery while soaking in a footbath.

At the Gero Onsen Gassho Village, which features ten traditional thatched-roof houses relocated from places like Shirakawa-go, you can enjoy the autumn colors of maples and zelkovas surrounded by a traditional Japanese landscape.

Gero Onsen

  • Access: Take the JR Takayama Main Line "Limited Express Hida" from Nagoya Station, Toyama Station, or Osaka Station, and get off at Gero Station.

EN /ID👉1-Day Tour from Takayama: Unveiling the Charm of Gero Onsen

(8) Toyama Prefecture | Kurobe, Unazuki Onsen 

Toyama Prefecture Kurobe, Unazuki Onsen
Copyright: kkday

Kurobe-Unazuki Onsen, located at the entrance to the popular tourist destination Kurobe Gorge, is a picturesque hot spring town in Toyama Prefecture.

The best time to enjoy the autumn leaves here is from late October to mid-November. One of the top recommendations is to view the fall foliage from the windows of the Kurobe Gorge Railway, a charming trolley train that runs through the gorge.

For those looking to capture the perfect photo of the train amidst the autumn colors, the Yamabiko Observation Deck is an excellent spot. Just a few minutes' walk from Unazuki Station, this viewpoint offers a stunning scene of the red iron bridge with the trolley train passing over it, framed by the brilliant autumn leaves.

Kurobe, Unazuki Onsen

  • Access:
    From Tokyo Station: Take the Hokuriku Shinkansen "Hakutaka" and get off at Kurobe-Unazuki Onsen Station.
    From Osaka Station: Take the Hokuriku Main Line "Thunderbird" to Kanazawa Station. From Kanazawa Station, take the Hokuriku Shinkansen "Hakutaka" and get off at Kurobe-Unazuki Onsen Station.

👉1-Day Unlimited Pass for Sightseeing on Kurobe Gorge Railway | Toyama, Japan

(9) Hiroshima Prefecture | Taishaku Gorge Onsen

Hiroshima Prefecture Taishaku Gorge Onsen
Photo cooperation: Shobara Kanko Navi

Taishakukyo Gorge, a grand 18km-long canyon in Hiroshima Prefecture, is one of the region's premier spots for viewing autumn leaves.

The peak time for autumn foliage is from late October to early November. You can enjoy the vibrant colors in various ways, such as by taking a 40-minute cruise on Shinryu Lake or strolling along the 1.5km lakeside walking trail.

Several accommodations in the area, such as Kyukamura Taishakukyo, offer open-air baths, making it an ideal spot for an overnight stay to fully appreciate the natural beauty.

Taishaku Gorge

  • From Hiroshima Station: Take the highway bus bound for Tojo Station and get off at Tojo Station. Transfer to the Bihoku Bus on the Shijushisen line and get off at Taishaku. * The Bihoku Bus operates four times a day on weekdays only, with daytime services requiring a reservation.

👉Visit Hiroshima Tourist Pass

(10) Nagasaki Prefecture | Unzen Onsen

Nagasaki Prefecture Unzen Onsen
© Nagasaki Prefecture Tourism Federation 

Unzen Onsen, located at an elevation of about 700 meters in Nagasaki Prefecture, is a hot spring resort known for its sulfurous acidic waters, which are said to be effective for rheumatism and neuralgia.

The must-visit spot for autumn colors in Unzen is Nita Pass. The sight of the mountains ablaze with red and orange leaves, viewed from the gondola of the Unzen Ropeway, is simply breathtaking. The best time to visit for autumn foliage is from late October to mid-November.

Unzen Onsen

  • Access: From Isahaya Station Bus Terminal, take the Shimabara Bus and get off at Unzen Eigyosho (Unzen Bus Office).

👉Kyushu | Huis Ten Bosch/Mt. Unzen/Unzen Hot Spring/Kujuku Island Customized Chartered Car One-day Tour

Experiencing both autumn leaves and hot springs is a special treat that can only be enjoyed in the fall. Be sure to soothe your soul with the beauty of the autumn colors and relax your body in the soothing hot springs.


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