Snow festivals are not only celebrated in Hokkaido. A lot of areas throughout Tohoku Prefecture have their own snow festivals too. One of the most popular ones is Kamakura Festival, a winter tradition that celebrated in Yokote City, Akita, every year in the mid of February. “Kamakura” is kind of Japanese style Igloo. Local people hold the festival in welcoming new year (according to Chinese calendar) and praying to water deity.

One must thing that you should try here is warming your body inside Kamakura with a glass of Amazake, a traditional sweet, low- or non-alcohol Japanese drink made from fermented rice. You may be surprised to find Kamakura’s inside warm, despite the freezing temperature in the outside. Not only Kamakura, there are also dozens of ice sculpture you can enjoy here, and when the day gets dark, there would be approximately 1000 candle lanterns shining the night illuminating the night, making the scenery beautiful. Don’t forget to give try Kiritanpo, the most famous local dish which are sold around the street.
This Festival is very popular in Japan. Even few years ago, The ministry of tourism of Indonesia presented Borobudur style ice sculpture to promote tourism in the country.
Event name Kamakura Festival
Address Yokote City, Akita Prefecture
Date Every year on 15-16 February
Average budget Lunch: 1000 yen Dinner: 1500 yen
URL http://www.yokotekamakura.com/