One of Japan's many handicrafts "origami" where, if you have a piece of square paper, you can make a lot of different things. In this article, we are going to be looking at how to make a ninja star or "Shuriken". We are going to be introducing 3 different versions from very simple to slightly difficult.

Within the ninja star category, there are largely 2 categories, being the bo shuriken (stick shuriken) and kurumaken (wheel shuriken). The bo shuriken is a long and straight shuriken. There are several different types of kurumaken. The "kuruma" portion of the name indicates the shuriken's rounded shape, which has sharp edges placed around it. To put it simply, no matter which part hits the enemy, it should be able to harm them.
Ninja Star for the beginners

Ninja Star for the next step

Ninja Star for the masters
