Japanese kimono is usually long. In the past, some people used to wear kimonos that were long enough to drag, but now they are just long enough to hide the ankles. Long robes, dusters, and dresses are also popular in the West. Here, we will talk about various long kimonos.
Why are Japanese Kimonos so Long?

Kimonos were generally worn until about 150 years ago. A high-ranked woman wore a kimono that was long enough to drag on the ground. This is called the "Junihitoe" (十二単). Wearing the twelve-layer clothing is considered to be a show off the ability to use plenty of high-quality fabrics. On the other hand, the ordinary people's kimonos were just long enough to hide their ankles. It is difficult to walk with a long length and it is inconvenient for housework and farming.
In modern times, there are very few opportunities to wear Junihitoe. Usually only as wedding costumes or royal ceremonies. At the "Sokuirei-Seiden-no-gi" (即位礼正殿の儀) ritual in the Enthronement Ceremony held in October 2019, Empress Masako appeared in her Junihitoe figure.
Long Kimono Robe
A robe-shaped kimono is ideal for wearing in a relaxing space such as a bedroom. Often made of either silk or cotton. Choose a material that suits your skin.
Long Kimono Duster
Long-length duster kimono is also used as a haori (jacket or overcoat) when going out. There are many soft materials such as chiffon, gauze and lace. It is transparent and well-ventilated, which is useful when going out in the summer.
Long Kimono Dress
Kimono dresses are also popular as a one-piece outing wear. Silk and lace are popular materials. The waist is squeezed to form an A-line, and the sleeves are loose.
Long Length Kimono Coat
Although the duster is a thin haori, some people are incorporating thick coat-type kimono into their fashion.
Do Japanese People Wear Kimono Coats?
Japanese people sometimes wear kimono coats called "Happi" (法被). This is a traditional Japanese costume worn by craftsmen and worn at festivals.
Long Kimono Colours
Long-length kimono has a wider variety of colours than short-length kimono. It is often worn as an outfit, so it's recommended that you choose it to match with your clothes.
For those who wants to know more about White Kimono, check out this article
For those who wants to know more about Black Kimono, check out this article
For those who wants to know more about Red Kimono, check out this article
For those who wants to know more about Blue Kimono, check out this article
For those who wants to know more about Pink Kimono, check out this article
For those who wants to know more about Purple Kimono, check out this article
For those who wants to know more about Velvet Kimono, check out this article
For those who wants to know more about Green Kimono, check out this article
For those who wants to know more about Yellow Kimono, check out this article
Where can I Buy a Long Kimono?
Available at online shop. It is often sold on fashion sites, so let's search for it.
For those who wants to know more about where to buy a kimono, check out this article
How Much does a Long Kimono Cost?
A robe type is cheap and costs around 2,000 yen. Dusters and dresses are often sold for 4,000-5,000 yen.
For those who wants to know more about how much is a kimono, check out this article
For those who wants to know more about how to make a kimono, check out this article