What is the Halal logistics provided by Nippon Express, one of largest logistics companies in Japan?

With the numbers of Muslim tourists coming from Malaysia and Indonesia increasing in recent years, the number of products that have received Halal certification in Japan have also been increasing.

Nippon Express, one of the largest logistics companies in Japan, has been swiftly working on the development of "halal logistics" so that the halal nature of the products are not ruined in the process of transporting goods. In order for Muslims in Japan to enjoy their trip more in a more comfortable manner, Nippon Express is working to develop a transportation environment for Halal products exported from Malaysia and Indonesia to Japan that can be used with peace of mind.

Allow us to introduce the system and initiatives of the Halal logistics provided by Nippon Express.

What is the Nippon Express Halal logistics system?

In December 2014, Nippon Express obtained the Halal certification for transportation. Nippon Express is the very first Japanese logistics company to receive certification by the Malaysian Islamic Development Bureau (JAKIM), which is a highly accredited certification body in Malaysia. Since that time, the full-scale operation of the transportation of Halal products began in Malaysia. In May 2017, Nippon Express obtained Halal certification for warehouses as well.

Now, allow us to introduce Halal logistics in Japan. Halal products imported from Malaysia and Indonesia are transported to a food terminal with Halal certification near Haneda Airport in Tokyo and stored in an area dedicated for these products.

At the food terminal, food can be stored at room temperature, but refrigeration and freezing facilities have also been arranged, so a wide range of halal foods can be handled. When products are shipped to hotels, restaurants, retail stores, and other places near Tokyo, they can be delivered in boxes dedicated to Halal. For larger volumes, religiously cleansed railway containers can also be used.

Example of Nippon Express' Halal logistics usage

Case 1: The transportation of flour from Japan to Malaysia

Halal flour is shipped to Port Klang in Malaysia via the Nippon Express Halal certified warehouse in the Fukuoka prefecture.

The Malaysian Senior Manager of Certification Management provides thorough on-site guidance in line with the processes and requirements included in Halal certification for warehousing. In addition, it is necessary to secure an area between halal products and non-halal products and to exterminate pests.

Case 2: The transportation of beef from Japan to Malaysia

Nippon Express also provides halal logistics services outside of Japan.

For instance, Halal beef that is made by a meat company in the Kumamoto prefecture can be delivered by a Halal truck after arriving in Malaysia. The staff in charge of transportation checks the tyres and temperatures carefully. The whole delivery process fully complies with JAKIM's Halal requirements.

The Future Expansion of Halal Logistics

(Left / Centre: Kansai / Chuo International Office / Right: Fukuoka Shipping Branch / Hakozaki Fixed Temperature Distribution Centre) 

Following Tokyo, a Halal-certified base has also been established in Fukuoka. In addition, on the 4th March 2020, Halal certification was obtained at the Osaka base. Osaka is a location where both air and sea routes to Southeast Asia have been established and "World Expo" will be held in the year 2025. For this reason, as well as the import and export operations for halal products and storage operations in bonded warehouses, the handling of domestic logistics will also be carried out.

Japan is packed with attractive sightseeing spots across the country. In the future, Nippon Express plans to provide a reliable service for Muslim tourists who wish to enjoy both the local tourism and urban areas.

What exactly is Nippon Express, one of the world's leading logistics companies?

Nippon Express, which carries out such services, is a Japanese logistics company that was established in the year 1937. The group's turnover is 2,138.5 billion yen, and the company has constructed a global network which includes 725 bases situated in 311 cities in 48 countries. Nippon Express utilizes this global network to provide efficient logistics to many different industries such as the automobile industry, precision equipment industry, fashion industry, pharmaceutical industry, and food industry.

Take a look at the NIPPON EXPRESS official website (English)

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