The Top 3 Tourist Spots to Read About in 5 Minutes as Recommended by Yamaguchi Experts! (For Previous Visitors)

Yamaguchi is mainly known for Akiyoshido Cave and Kintai Bridge, so let's learn more about them before visiting. With this info, you’ll be able to enjoy your next trip to Yamaguchi even more! We’ll also introduce the best way to get the most out of traveling in Yamaguchi —the Setouchi Area Pass provided by Discover West Japan! Ready to learn more ways to have fun sightseeing? Make sure to search the recommended spots with your friends!

#3 Akiyoshido Cave - Explore the Artistic Depths of the Great Limestone Cave

Japan's  greatest underground cave, 100 meters deep is the great limestone cave "Akiyoshido Cave." Formed over a great amount of time, the droplets containing lime dripped drop by drop and shaped these amazing number of unique, artistic limestones. A true beauty of nature! Within the cave the temperature is constantly at about 17 degrees Celsius, keeping it cool in the summer and warm in the winter. A pleasant cave to be in! The cave is dark and also slippery, so make sure to wear sneakers when visiting.

How to Enjoy it Like a Pro

500 Different Plates!? The Mt. Fuji of Limestone Caves and 3 Fun Spots

After entering the limestone cave and passing the waterfall within it, the first spot to see is the "100 Plates." The lime that melted accumulated and formed a limestone terrace. There are over 500 of these limestone plates! Rarely seen in a scale this big, shining a light over these plates makes them sparkle and it is a remarkable sight to see!

You Can Find the Symbol of Japan "Mt. Fuji" Here!?

In this dome-like area within the cave, there stands a giant stone pillar that's 5 meters high called "Donai-Fuji." The ceiling is white from the lime creating a cloud like illusion, making you feel like you are on top of Mt. Fuji! Created over tens of thousands of years, the drops that fall from the ceiling formed this pillar.

Akiyoshido Cave

  • Access: From JR Yamaguchi Station take the Bocho Bus to "Akiyoshi" (40 minutes) and get off at the stop "Akiyoshidai." 10 minute walk from the stop.
  • Bocho Bus is not covered by the Setouchi Area Pass

#2 Ruriko-ji Five Story Pagoda - One of Japan's 3 Great Towers to Behold

Along with the Five Story Pagoda of Horyuji in Nara and Daigoji in Kyoto, this temple's tower stands as one of Japan's Three Great Towers. Graceful and made from cypress, this structure has been designated as a National Treasure. In the spring plum and cherry blossom trees bloom, in the autumn the colors of the leaves change, and in winter snow covers the area, making the scenery unique with every season. 10 minutes away by walking is the "Yamaguchi Shisaikotei" where they have a service allowing you to dress up in kimonos (reservation required). You can wear a kimono and enjoy a walk through the area! 

How to Enjoy it Like a Pro

Pros Visit After Dark! Check Out the Illumination!

This is a spot you want to visit both during the day and at night! After sunset until 10:00 PM, the structure gets lit up and light shines on the five stories of the tower. The atmosphere is quite different from the day time, and seeing the tower stand tall in the darkness will give you a completely different impression!

Zoom into the Details of the Tower

The tower was created nearly 570 years ago during the Muromachi Period. The roof is made out of cypress bark, the pagoda's finial (the pagoda's uppermost part) to the pointed end measures about 31 meters from the ground, and the tower's body gets narrower the higher you go, giving it a clean design!  

Ruriko-ji Five Story Pagoda

  • Access: From JR Yamaguchi Station take the Bocho Bus towards "Shin-Yamaguchi Station" (35 minutes) and get off at the stop "Kenchomae." About a 10 minute walk from the bus stop.

#1 Puffer Fish Cuisine with 3000 Years of History 

Puffer Fish is a delicacy that's been enjoyed for over 3000 years. A representative of Japan's winter cuisine, the light flavor and chewy texture of the fish is its defining point. The fish's skin is passed through boiling water, creating a crunchy texture with plenty of collagen. Shimonoseki is known as the first place that lifted the ban on puffer fish cuisine, and Shimonoseki brought about good fortune came to be known as "Fuku." Shimonoseki's Karato Market's "Ikiikibakangai" serves sushi, seafood bowls, and puffer fish cuisine with its many food stalls.

How to Enjoy it Like a Pro

Sashimi, Hot Pots, Tenpura, Deep Fried - Enjoy a Full Course of Puffer Fish!

When people think puffer fish, sashimi is what comes to mind for most people, but along with sashimi, zosui, tempura, deep fried karaage, shirako-yaki, and many other cooking methods are used to prepare puffer fish. So try them all out! Don't miss out on the specialties that inns also serve. 

Recommending Lodging for Previous Visitors

Try Staying at Yuda Onsen When Staying Near Ruriko-ji Five Story Pagoda

Yuda Onsen is in the center of Yamaguchi Prefecture. They boast 2000 tons of hot spring waters daily, which have beauty effects for your skin! Nearly 30 different traditional Ryokan and business hotels are available. Along with hot springs to visit, there are also free footbaths in 6 locations! Try swinging by!

Yuda Onsen

  • Access: Right near JR Yudaonsen Station

Try Staying at Shimonoseki Onsen Kaze no Umi When Staying Near Shimonoseki!

Opened in March 2018, this hotel has a hot spring with a view in every room. Kaiseki cuisine is served in the evening, along with puffer fish caught in Shimonoseki.

 Shimonoseki Onsen Kaze no Umi

  • Access: From JR Shimonoseki Station take Sanden Kotsu Bus towards "Marine Land" (25 minutes) and get off at the bus stop "Shiritsu-Bijyutsukan." Right next to the bus stop.

The best way to get around Yamaguchi Prefecture - Discover West Japan's Setouchi Area Pass

There are plenty of wonderful places to visit in Yamaguchi Prefecture, so many so that you might not be able to choose just one. If you're looking to travel with ease, the Setouchi Area Pass is your best bet! This pass covers travel via shinkansen, train, and buses (some excluded) over a 5-day period throughout Okayama prefecture, Hiroshima prefecture, Yamaguchi prefecture, and other areas within Setouchi, so it's a must-have for first-time and seasoned travelers! We'll introduce the best way to use this pass in a separate article, so don't miss it!

For more information on the Setouchi Area Pass:

Links to related articles:

Okayama Prefecture:

Hiroshima Prefecture:

Yamaguchi Prefecture:

Okayama and Hiroshima Prefecture:

sponsored by West Japan Railway Company

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