Check Out FUN! JAPAN's Top 3 Places to Eat in Hiroshima Prefecture!

Although Hiroshima is well-known for its landmarks like World Heritage Sites Miyajima and the Atomic Bomb Dome, and Onomichi, its local cuisine is full of character too! Beside the standard local dish, okonomiyaki, the area is known for fresh fish and sweets such as oysters, lemon cake, and momiji manju. This time, we'll introduce the top three popular places to eat as chosen by FUN! JAPAN readers! Keep reading until the end to learn about the best way to travel while in Okayama Prefecture, as we introduce the convenient Setouchi Area Pass by Discover West Japan!

#3 Enjoy Hiroshima okonomiyaki with plenty of toppings piled high!

(Photo provided by Hiroshima Prefectural Govt.)

Hiroshima's most famous dish is, without a doubt, okonomiyaki. This soul food that has been loved by locals for ages is quite different from the variety eaten in Osaka, with all toppings being layered one after the other, rather than mixed together, in the order of batter, pork, tenkasu, bean sprouts, and then cabbage. The standard okonomiyaki is the "sobanikutama" that has soba, pork, and an egg, but there are also other varieties that use squid, prawns, mochi, and also varieties that have a fried egg or green onions on top, depending which restaurant you go to. If you're feeling adventurous, try a few!

How to Enjoy It More

Many okonomiyaki restaurants offer not only okonomiyaki, but other items that can be fried on the teppan grill too. Why not try ordering some famous Hiroshima oysters? The plankton that oysters feed on is plentiful in the Seto Inland Sea, which is why they grow to be so big. The best time to enjoy them is said to be between January and February when they are most full of glycogen, which draws out their rich flavor. We recommend topping your okonomiyaki with oyster to make it even more luxurious!

#2 The cute local treat made with Hiroshima lemons

Hiroshima is a veritable kingdom of fruit. The coast of the Seto Inland Sea in particular is suitable for growing fruit due to its temperate climate and relatively low amount of rainfall. Among the many fruits growing in the area, the Hiroshima lemon has a refreshingly characteristic aroma that has made it famous throughout Japan! There are plenty of famous shops in Hiroshima, such as Setoda and Fujiiya, that make sweets with Hiroshima lemons. They're not only delicious, but cute as well, so they make for great souvenirs.

Highlights and Specialties

We recommend "Shimagokoro," the lemon-shaped cake with lemon pieces mixed into it's batter. The outside coated in white chocolate is super cute! There are plenty of varieties without coating, or shaped like squares, each store trying to create something different from the other. Another lemony treat we recommend is Awasetsuka (by Fujiiya), made by sandwiching lemon-kan between two marshmallowy crusts. It's main feature is its crunchy texture and mellow, fruity aroma. Hiroshima Ohchou lemon juice is used in the lemon-kan, while the crust uses lemon juice as well as lemon peel to create a uniquely textured treat. Crunchy, fluffy, and jiggly; enjoy the delicate textures while savoring the flavor of this sweet!

#1 Baked? Fried? Chilled? Fillings galore! - Momiji Manju - the treat filled with personality!

Momiji Manju is a Japanese treat made with a castella-style coating and filled with red bean paste, then cooked in a special press. Their cute maple leaf shape leaves quite the impression. It's said the shape was made to resemble the maple leaves of Miyajima's famous Momiji-dani in autumn when the leaves change color. The island is home to around 20 shops that sell Momiji Manju, so you can enjoy the variety of flavors while sightseeing.

Highlights and Specialties

(Photo provided by Hiroshima Prefectural Govt.)

The reason this treat is so well-loved is due to its variety of fillings. Besides the usual smooth red bean filling, there is coarse red bean, matcha, lemon, chestnut, salted butter, pumpkin, raisin, and more. Besides the baked variety, there are versions that are fried in oil, filled with ice cream, filled with fresh whipped cream, and plenty of other variations to choose from!

How to Enjoy Them More

(Photo provided by Hiroshima Prefectural Govt.)

There is a shop where you can try cooking your own Momiji Manju in Miyajima. First, you mix eggs, flour, water, and sugar to make the batter, then pour it into the maple leaf-shaped press and bake. Afterwards, choose a filling of your choice to complete your handmade Momiji Manju.

The best way to get around Hiroshima Prefecture - Discover West Japan's Setouchi Area Pass

There are plenty of wonderful places to visit in Hiroshima Prefecture, so many so that you might not be able to choose just one. If you're looking to travel with ease, the Setouchi Area Pass is your best bet! This pass offers unlimited travel via shinkansen, train, and buses (some excluded) over a 5-day period throughout Okayama Prefecture, Hiroshima Prefecture, Yamaguchi Prefecture, and other areas within Setouchi, so it's a must-have for first-time and seasoned travelers! We'll introduce the best way to use this pass in a separate article, so don't miss it!

For more information on the Setouchi Area Pass:

Links to related articles:

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Yamaguchi Prefecture:

Okayama and Hiroshima Prefecture:

sponsored by West Japan Railway Company

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