Join WMG 2021 KANSAI and Create Great Connections in Ball Games!

「WORLD MASTERS GAMES (WMG) 2021 KANSAI」 is an international multi-sport event open for sport lovers over the age of 30. It includes ball games like handball, soft tennis, tennis, and basketball. Sports feature a ball as part of play is popular in many countries among children to adults. The multi-sport event this time includes quite a number of ball games- handball is going to be held in Kyotanabe City, Kyoto, soft tennis will be in Fukuchiyama City, Kyoto, tennis in Miki and Kasai cities of Hyogo, and basketball in Kobe, Hyogo. Today, let’s look at some attractive spots and mouthwatering gourmets of these cities. 

Bright Greenish Tea Farms Only in this Season

Kyotanabe City, home for the handball games this time, is famous for Gyokuro green tea. Gyokuro is commonly said as premium quality green tea with a discernible sweet taste. In the city, you can find a huge number of shops selling the great tea, or you can directly try them out right there. Do not miss it!

Besides, tea leaves picking can be seen in Kyotanabe city around May, the season for tea harvest. The tea is called Ichibancha (literally, “first-log tea”, or “new tea”), which is great and expensive. They are loved not only because they are the first log, but also for their great taste and quality. It will be a mind-refreshing and spirit-soothing experience to see the fresh, high-quality tea picking in the splendid farms!

The BBQ Paradise with High Density of Meat Specialties

Since the past, Fukuchiyama has been “a paradise of BBQ” playing a super-important role to support the food culture in Kansai region. And this time, it is the city for soft tennis games. The number of meat specialty: population ratio is exceedingly high, and thus it is said to be a city with “high meat population”!

The city is not only for grilled meats! Sukiyaki pot, hamburger steak, steaks…all meat dishes are equally awesome.

You do want to pamper yourself by eating a lot after exercise. The restaurants here in Fukuchiyama will not fail to satisfy sport players, come and savour goodness.

Soothe Your Body and Your Mind by the Negative Air Ion from Nature

That maximum amount of stress in the competitions blocks you away from the nice sightseeing experience. At those moments, you need to go to the Waterfalls of Kurotaki in Miki City, Hyogo.

Miki City is the host of tennis this time. The city is famous for its striking nature with Waterfalls of Kurotaki particularly wonderful- it is 4 meters high and 30 meters wide, with water splashes on one single big rock- no artworks could possibly beat this untouched falls. Feel stressed and tired for the spots races? The refreshing negative air ion of your trip to this waterfall awaits.  

Experience the Local Flower-Watching Culture in Japan

Kasai is another city for tennis games this time, it has a 46-hectare large Hyogo Prefectural Flower Center to amaze its visitors. During WMG2021 KANSAI spring, the season with wonderful flowers are just around. Iceland Poppy with the flower language of “comfort, tolerance, challenging spirits” and silver ragwort with the meaning of “stand by you” are like talking to you sport players, aren’t they? Receive the positive energy from the flowers, and enjoy the colorful, cheerful spring in Japan! 

It is Japan!? Give Yourself a Gift with Other Great Players in a City of East-Meet-West

Kobe, Hyogo is the host of basketball games this time. Kobe is for Kobe beef, indisputably, while from the specific term “Kobe confections”, you should know the city is also famous for desserts. Kobe gives a taste of the west with a lovely atmosphere and cakes and puddings by star patisseries- the “Kobe confections”. You deserve to treat yourself after the sport games!

What about an indulgence of an elegant afternoon tea in this European style Japanese town? The cakes are like gems, and chocolates are artwork, along with the heart-melting fluffy puddings…Come to Kobe and fall in love with the western confections added with Japanese characteristics. 

A Trip to Experience Team Work from another Angle- Travel with Other Players!

Touring around with other players is unlike any other trips for the strong bonding in sweats, laughter, and tears in the ball games. Touching moments, healing moments, happy moments, and exciting moments are all waiting for you.

WMG2021KANSAI will be held from 14th May (Fri) 2021 – 30th May 2021 (Sun) for 17 days. Details will be released in late November through WMG 2021 KANSAI’s official homepage, and entry application is scheduled on February 2020. FUN! JAPAN is going to deliver you more information about the games, stay tuned!

WMG Official Homepage 👉

*There are simply much more fun in these cities. Check them out in their official homepage!

・Kyotanabe City, Kyoto

・Fukuchiyama City, Kyoto

・Miki City, Hyogo

・Kasai City, Hyogo

・Kobe City, Hyogo

