An Introduction to Kodaiji Temple, Famed For Its Beautiful Illuminations

It is a temple that TOYOTOMI Hideyoshi's wife, Nene, built to grieve for her husband’s death, and is known as Nene’s Temple. Illuminations during the spring, summer, and, most popularly, autumn surround the area in a mysterious atmosphere at night.

We will now introduce the highlights and history of Kodaiji Temple

About Kodai-ji Temple

Kodaiji Temple, located near Yasaka Shrine in the Higashiyama area of Kyoto City, was founded in the 11th year of the Keichou Era (1606) as a means for TOYOTOMI Hideyoshi’s wife, Nene, to pray for the repose of his soul. The principal deity of Kodaiji Temple is Shaka Nyorai, and the official name of the temple is “Kodai Jushou Zenji”. The Kaisan-do (Founder’s Hall), Otamaya (ancestral shrine), Kangetsudai (moon-viewing pavilion), and the front gate are all magnificent sights to see.

In addition, there is a square white-sanded front garden symbolic of Zen Temples called Hashin-tei, as well as a pond with stones and a tearoom posted along the bank that is an absolute must-see. Karakasa-tei, whose ceiling spreads radially like a paper umbrella and Shigure-tei, which is connected by an earthy corridor, were transferred from Fushimi Castle.

The elegant yet innovative Maki-e technique, applied to the Shumidan and other parts of the Ancestral Shrine, is known as Kodai-ji Maki-e.

Illuminations of Kodai-ji Temple

Illuminations in Spring usually begin in March and end in early May, in summer from early August to mid-August, and in autumn from mid-October to early December. The start time of the light-up is from after sunset until 22:00. Reception hours are 17-21: 30. At the time of the illuminations, unique tricks such as introducing projection mapping are a hot topic.

Beautiful autumn leaves of Kodai-ji Temple

Autumn is an especially popular season for Kodai-ji Temple The colors of lustrous autumn leaves move into the mirror of the Garyou Pond. Garyou Pond, which connects the Kaisan-do and the ancestral shrine, also has a different impression from the daytime. The front garden will also be illuminated during this time of year.

Visiting hours and admission fees

Business Hour: 9:00-17:30 (17:00 reception closed)
※ During the illumination period is until 22:00 (21:30 reception closed), the admission fee is 600 yen (includes Kodaiji Sho Art Museum entry).

There is also a discount ticket 900 yen that allows admission to Kodai-ji Temple and Entoku-in. 

Spot information

  • Spot name: Kodai-ji Temple
  • Address: 526 Shigakawaracho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto
  • Access: About 10 minutes on foot from Keihan Electric Railway Gion Shijo Station, about 15 minutes on foot from Hankyu Kawaramachi Station.


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