Claude Monet is perhaps the most important figure in Impressionism. Many of his works included gardens full of water lilies, arches, and a small pond reflecting the beautiful flowers. The Kitayama village in Kochi prefecture decided to recreate this garden so that people could actually walk through this beautiful garden that Monet must have seen.

The garden is still incomplete as they are waiting for the plantation to grow to its fullest, however, they are already breathtaking as you can tell from these images.

The water lilies are especially great during summer, as the specie is native to Japan.The water in the pond is also very close to that of Monet’s paintings, and you’d be able to take a walk into Monet’s garden.

The garden is only open to 20 visitors per day with reservation, but it is surely a destination you’d like to list under your travel plan especially if you’re an art fan.
Entrance Fee: 1700yen