Memmy’s Omiyage from Okinawa

  • 12 กรกฎาคม 2015
  • FUN! JAPAN Team

Hi guys!
Fun! Japan team AL is here!

Do you guys know Okinawa? It’s the southernmost part of Japan. 2.5 hours flight from Tokyo.
If you want to know more about Okinawa, Fun! Japan already has several articles introducing Okinawa, such as Sefa Utaki world heritage site in Okinawa, Okinawa dance and Ryukyu Music.

Back to Memmy’s story, she went to Okinawa last week guys! She was there 3 days. And she brought a delicious omiyage (souvenir) from there.



It’s Okinawa Beni Imo Tart. (Psst, can you see photo of Sugi in the back? ^o^)

This is the package close up photo.


Before AL had time to take the photos, Fun! Japan team already surrounded the sweet and ate half of them o(≧▽≦)o


And this is the close up photo of the sweet, guys!


More details about the Beni Imo Tart. Beni (紅) means red crimson. Imo (イモ) means yam. Beni Imo means red yam. So, it literally means red yam tart. It’s very sweet and yummy guys.

And the next sweet is Okinawan biscuit, called Chinsuko (ちんすこ)


This time Memmy brought four taste: plain, salty, brown sugar and red yam. The taste itself is crunchy and yummy, guys.

Let’s take a look at the package of the plain taste Chinsuko.


On the top right, you can see Okinawa (沖縄) written in Japanese Kanji. And on the bottom right, you can see Okinawan guardian angel (mamorigami, 守り神) called Shisa. Or you can simply call it Okinawan lion ^o^

Okinawan sweets truly embrace the potentials of Okinawan raw materials such as red potatoes, brown sugar, salt, Mozuku seaweed and Hirami lemon. AL strongly recommend you to buy both Chinsuko and Beni Imo Tart (^O^)/

What do you think about the sweets guy? Does it look similar or totally different from sweets in your country? If you come to Japan, will you buy sweets as omiyage (souvenirs) for family at home? Write your comment in the comment box guys!

You can buy the sweets in an Okinawan sweets shop called “Okashigoten”

☆Information☆ (Japanese Only)


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