★Visit Japan Campaign★ It’s Strawberry Time!! Vol.7

  • 5 มิถุนายน 2015
  • FUN! JAPAN Team

Hi guys!
AL and Memmy here.
Do you guys remember strawberry picking event that we held in February when we had Visit Japan Campaign?

Visit Japan Strawberry Picking

To fulfill our promise, Fun! Japan gave strawberry picking tour to Visit Japan winners.

We went to strawberry picking in 2nd day of Visit Japan Campaign.
If you don’t remember what our winners did at that day, it was the day our winners visited Narusawa Cave and Fuji Shibazakura.
Here is Dear photo in Fuji Shibazakura.

Visit Japan Strawberry Picking

After enjoying pink landscape full of cuteness in Fuji Shibazakura, we went to strawberry picking site. It is a large greenhouse filled up with strawberry trees!!

Visit Japan Strawberry Picking

In Japan you can enjoy strawberry picking from the end of January until the end of July. The unique fact about strawberry in Japan is that due to higher concentration of sugar in it, the ones picked in January-March are usually sweeter.

In strawberry picking, we can eat the strawberry that already handy picked by the staffs.

Visit Japan Strawberry Picking

Or we can pick the strawberry by ourselves like Jojo, Winy did below. Yummy!! Strawberry that we picked by ourselves were more delicious.

Visit Japan Strawberry Picking

Many visitors are also busy taking photograph of the strawberry and the site, like Mama did.

Visit Japan Strawberry Picking

Jojo, Winy, Dear and Mama all said that the strawberry is very sweet and delicious!!
Wait, since it is an all-you-can-eat strawberry, if we can eat as many as strawberry as we want, won’t we get bored?
Don’t worry about it guys. Not only strawberry the fruit, we can also eat the strawberry along with the condensed milk. Take a look at the container that they hold.

Visit Japan Strawberry Picking

Besides, there was also chocolate fountain!!!

Visit Japan Strawberry Picking

What a lovely experience! After finishing eating the strawberry, the milk and the fabulous liquid chocolate, it rained! Fortunately, we could borrow umbrellas from the site.

Our trip today ended with strawberry picking. The winners went back to hotel and had free time.

If you want to know more about strawberry picking (Ichigo gari) you can read our previous article about it.

The next day, we would go to Suntory Beer Factory Tour!
Don’t forget to check our next report guys!!
Take care and see you later ^o^

Visit Japan Series
Welcome to Japan
Narusawa Ice Cave & Fuji Shibazakura
Kurobe Dam
Yuki-no-Otani Snow Wall
Shirakawa-go & Hida Takayama
