Unique Umbrella

  • 23 พฤษภาคม 2016
  • FUN! JAPAN Team


※This article was published at May 2015.※

Because Japan is surrounded by the sea, and also the geographical reason, we get a lot of rain. 
In fact, its the country that gets the second most rain in the world.
It has been raining a lot lately, because the season is changing.
We just have to deal with the weather, but wait a minute to feel depressed until you see these unique items.


Can  you guess what this is? 
It is a Japanese sword umbrella.
There are an actual family crests of warrior on the surface.
If you look closely, you can see the grip of an umbrella is like a handle of a sword.
The umbrella opens itself at the push of a button by the grip and is ideal for impressing your friends.
Not only for the look, but practical, isn’t it?


There is a belt which is attachable that is long enough to go around your shoulder, so you can carry it on your back like a real sword!


You may think this is an ordinary umbrella you can find it anywhere.
Believe it or not, those floral patterns appears only when it is wet.
How cute they are!

You won’t be feeling so heavy with these unique umbrella.
In fact, you will look forward to a rainy day.

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