Nukazuke-Japanese Pickles

  • 10 พฤษภาคม 2015
  • FUN! JAPAN Team

Nukazuke is a type of Japanese pickle, made by fermenting vegetables in Nuka(rice bran).
You can easily find these Nukazuke pickles at a market anytime of the year in Japan. 
Some people have their favorite store, but in the Japanese traditional household make their own pickles. 
Because it is easy to make and also very good for you, it is getting back in trend.
I have been wanting to try to make some. 
What am I waiting for? 
Let’s try!


I start with these three kinds of vegetables. 
Cucumber, turnip and daikon radish.
First of all, choose some vegetables to pickle. 
(Almost any edible vegetable may be pickled.) 
Marinate them in Nukadoko, which is the rice bran.
It kind of looks like miso paste, but taste and smell totally different.


You can make your own Nukadoko with Nuka(rice bran), but since this is my first time, I decided to buy it instead.
With the passing of months and years, your Nukadoko will develop its own unique character and taste.
Also by exchanging with others will make the development too.
How fascinating is that!

Nukadoko needs to be mixed by hand once or twice a day, be sure your hands are washed and dried. 
If Nukadoko is not mixed sufficiently, it will spoil easily.
You need to take care of it gently with lots of love.


The fermentation time depends on the season, room temperature and what kind of vegetables you are fermenting.
I put these vegetables in Nukadoko the night before I went to sleep for the next day’s breakfast, it was a little more than 7 hours. 
It turned out just the way I like it!
It is vary from tangy to sour, salty and pungent but yet retain crispness.
If you keep it longer, it will be too salty.

This was my first time to make Nukazuke, but can’t believe how easy it was.
I would love to try some more different vegetables!

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