Summer Electronic Products To Make This Season Cooler

  • 16 สิงหาคม 2016
  • FUN! JAPAN Team

Hot and humid summer in Japan has come finally and some of you are not so much excited at this season. This year, Japan Meteorological Agency is already warming that the temperature will be record-breaking over summer and you need to seriously consider how to survive this summer. Yet when you are in Japan, the country of useful and designed, (and sometime weird) electronics, you can find many items that will make your summer a bit cooler. Let’s see and check items that will help your summer better!

Kamomefan, d-design

kamomefan is a fan that provides natural and gentle breeze. This fan is, unlike other regular fans, the wind coming out from the machine is not strong. This is the perfect item for those who doesn’t like air conditioning but rather to open the window to feel breeze during summer time, yet hard to feel it during hot and humid summer in Japan. In addition, sound of the fan is quiet that you don’t almost hear anything so it’s good to use over summer even during night time.

Ice Coffee Maker, THERMOS

Ice Coffee Maker is the must item during summer for those people who are obsessed with coffee. Unlike other coffee maker, this one is made just to dedicate to iced coffee. Thus, you can taste barista worth iced coffee with nice aroma. Because this machine is made by THERMOS, the leading manufacture of insulated food and machine container, its coffee server made out of insulated dual structure. Thus, the server will keep the coffee chilled for a long time.

My Bottle Blender, Vitantonio

My Bottle Blender is an personal size blender with cute design. With the cute color and design, this blender can be a good interior in your kitchen. In addition, the blender can be used as a cup so you don't need to prepare another cup to drink what you make. And, they are easy to care. So if you want to adopt smoothie and other fresh juice on your daily life, this blender is for you. Additionally, this blender comes with a mill. With this mill, you can mill coffee beans and make homemade dressings.

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