Have you gotten lost when you travel abroad? Or have you had any chance to give street instructions to foreign travelers?
When you travel abroad, you might ask locals for directions or give street instructions to travelers from other countries.
Today’s words are : “Migi(右)/Hidari(左)”.
They are so useful words for directions in Japan.
Meaning of “Migi (右)” is “right” / “Hidari (左)” is “left” in English .
Many kanji characters represent pictures of people or things. Therefore, Migi(右) and Hidari(左) are also represent following images as well.
Let us introduce one of an interpretation for “Migi(右)/Hidari(左)”.
Migi (右) represents a picture that a hand bring food to a month (having a meal with a hand). Hidari(左) describes a hand holding a dish/plate (holding dinnerware to support having a meal.)
Why don’t you travel in Japan using ” Migi (右) / Hidari(左)” ?
Let’s master the following sentences before visiting Japan!
●Konbini wo Migi (Hidari ) ni magatte kudasai.
●英訳:Turn right (left) at the convenience store.
●Migi gawa (Hidari gawa ) no doa ga hiraki masu.
●英訳:The door on the right (the left ) side will open.
Here are more words relating to directions :
★Ue ni agarimasu (Shita ni sagarimasu)「上に上がります。(下に下がります。)」
English:Going up.(Going down)
★Mae ni susumimasu (Ushiro ni sagarimasu)「前に進んでください。(後ろに下がってください。)」
English:Step forward(s).(Step backward(s))
Did you get them?? Use these words when you come to Japan next time!
See you next time
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