« Takai / Yasui » (高い and 安い) Fun! Japan Words vol.59

  • 13 กันยายน 2015
  • FUN! JAPAN Team


This week let’s two very important word you’d might use during your travel, especially shopping sessions : “Takai” and “Yasui“ (高い and 安い).

Can you guess what is it about?

“Takai” and “Yasui“ (高い and 安い) are two adjectives which means
“Expensive” and “Cheap” in Japanese.

For sure, you might want to use them when shopping in Japan.

For example, if a store clerk show you something with is too expensive you can
tell him :
“Chotto takai desu.”
It’s a little bit expensive.

“Motto yasui no arimasu ka?”
Do you have cheap one?

If you go in a store and looking for something cheap at first :
“Yasui (the thing you want) ga hoshii desu.”
I want cheap (the thing you want).

You can also look for bargain or cheap items which might have a sticker written:
Yasui 安い : Cheap
Gekiyasu 激安 : Super cheap!

On the contrary, if you’re looking for luxury goods you can look for :
Kôkyû 高級 : luxury
Kôkyûna mono 高級なもの: luxury item

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