Flower Garden 2015, Only in Japan!

  • 7 พฤษภาคม 2015
  • FUN! JAPAN Team

On the 6th of April, I went to a place in Yokohama just 10 minutes from the Yamashita Park which is a famous tourist spot in the Kanagawa Prefecture.

And this is what I saw later on….

Look at this magnificent Flower Garden this year 2015 in Yokohama located in the middle of the Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse. 

Look at all the beautiful colours of the flowers.

This picture was taken this year 27th of March 2015.
What do you guys think?

Not only during the day that you can enjoy this scenery.
From March 28 to April 19 there will be light ups at night to make this place the best place you have ever seen.


Spring in Tokyo is covered with a lot of colourful colours of flowers.
Especially at this place. Designed with more 40k flowers on the 3 big squares on the picture.

As I told you before that this Yokohama’s Red Brick Warehouse or Akarenga which was made during the Meiji Era, and then after the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake one of the building collapsed and now this year is exactly 13 years after that incident.
So this is kind of a celebration!

TADA!!! How beautiful is that? It gives good aroma or smell of the flowers too.
It really smells like perfume!

Let’s go visit this beautiful Flower Garden 2015, Only in Japan!



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