First of all, do you guys know what part-time job is called in Japanese?
アルバイト ARUBAITOARUBAITO comes from a german language ‘arbeiten’ or ‘work’.
But here in Japan if we talk about arubaito, it means we are talking about ‘side job’ or ‘part time job’

The government here asked all stores to provide part time job.
And the reason is to support people’s lives, for example, people that have no financial support from their parents, they can earn their money themselves to survive in this world.
If you see any kanji like this right in front of the store it means that they are recruiting part timers to start their part time job in that store.
You can also find your part time jobs here which are distributed all over the train station and the convenience store all over Japan.
(This book is for free!)
Do you guys know how part timers earn money here in Japan?
An hourly salary would range from about 800yen (about $8) to 2000yen (about $20)
Can you imagine how much money can you earn per month?
For foreigners, you can work only for 28 hours per week.
With that, you can earn more than 100,000yen($1000/month)!!
How great is that?!
You can even pay your school fee and life expenses while you are studying here.
Do you want to try to live here in Japan and earn as much money as possible?
Then you can go for holiday too with the money you earn :)