CV or Resume in Japan

  • 22 กุมภาพันธ์ 2016
  • FUN! JAPAN Team

※This article was published at February 2015.※

If you live in another country and you want to apply for a job, you must make your cv or resume on your own and with your own format.

But not in Japan.
Japan has its own format to make a cv or resume.

First of all CV or resume in Japan is called 履歴書(りれきしょ)Rirekisho.
Rirekisho is a Japanese Traditional Resume, this is more than a personal details, and it’s one of a way to show our capabilities and why we want to work at that place. 
You must write your own Rirekisho by your own handwriting and write everything in Japanese.

This is how a Rirekisho looks like...   



And this is an example of a Rirekisho that I wrote.


Starting with a 3x4cm photo, name, date of birth, gender, address and telephone number.


This is the Education History which you need to write all of them in Japanese even though your past education is not in Japan. 
You can write the names in katakana or roomaji(alphabet).


This is the achievements that we have achieved for example, JLPT, Toefl, IELTS, TOEIC, or anything else.


This is an example of a writing that I wrote. 
Here we should write why we want to work at that place and what’s your way of thinking, what do you want to improve yourself while you are working there. 
Why are you capable to get that job something like that.

The last part is that if you want to have a request like the time that you can work. 
And something like that.

So this is a simple rirekisho. 
Try it out yourself! 

If you are here in Japan you can take the Townwork Magazine at the nearest train station or convenience store. 
If you are outside Japan, you can download from the internet. :) 

Let’s make our own Rirekisho!

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