Lee’s How-to: Make Asa Gohan(朝ご飯) with me!

  • 29 กันยายน 2016
  • FUN! JAPAN Team

※This article was published at December 2014.※

Whenever I wake up early during the weekdays and have some time before going to class, I try to save money and be healthy by eating in. 

Today, I will share a simple and nutritious breakfast (朝ご飯) recipe which only includes 3 ingredients. 
Rice from last night, a raw egg, and a small box of Nattou (納豆), also known in English as fermented soy beans. 

This delicious meal is called Tamago Kake Gohan (卵かけごはん) and usually costs me only 60 Yen, or 17 Bahts. 

Even the price of a combini onigiri (~100 Yen), cannot beat this!

First, you heat your leftover rice up. 
Make sure it is nice and steaming as you will want it to warm your raw egg later.


Prepare your Nattou. 
Nattou is usually an acquired taste, and most foreigners are not able to stomach it due to the stickiness and smell of the dish. 
I myself did not enjoy nattou until 6 months into my stay in Japan. 
Once you acquire this taste however, you will find that nattou is a very nutritious and cheap addition to your meal! 
Each package usually comes with sauce which you are supposed to mix in before stirring. 
My packet of Nattou came with a lid that could be folded to dispense the sauce. 
Trust the Japanese to come up with something as convenience and innovative as this.


Using both your chopsticks, stir your nattou while in the styrofoam packet in a circular motion. The more you stir, the stickier it gets. 
You will also start to see bubbles in the mixture- this is normal. 
When you are satisfied, place your nattou mixture into your rice.


Crack an egg (preferably room temperature) into your bowl. 
Eggs in Japan are sterilized before retail and are generally quite safe to eat. 
However, please practice caution and use only fresh eggs for this recipe. 
The last step is to mix everything together, and you have a delicious, cheap, and filling meal that will help you kick start your day!

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