Every country has a food that foreigners would never understand.
Japan seems to come very high on the list when speaking of weird dishes that would swipe the appetite away from those who have never tried it.
In fact, there has been challenges dedicated to eating weird Japanese food like natto (fermented soybeans), shiokara (fermented squid gut), and shirako (fish milt).
This list is not all that surprising for Japanese people, as these food are considered somewhat weird in Japan as well, many people dislike it for...well, obvious reasons.
However, there is one thing that almost all Japanese people love, but seems completely bizarre from the outsiders.
Raw Eggs.
Yes, I mean Rocky Balboa raw eggs.
While Rocky drank his gallon of raw eggs as a part of his training, Japanese consider it to be a part of their gastronomy by topping it on white rice and seasoning it with soy sauce, a dish called “tamago-kake-gohan (egg poured rice)”.
In fact, the dish is now called TKG and it has ignited a massive boom in Japan with poultry farms making eggs designated to TKG, or soy sauce just for TKG.
So, why do Japanese people love raw eggs?
One of my friends explained to me that eggs in Japan do not include many of the bacterias that those in other countries do.
Thus, Japanese people do not find raw eggs to be dangerous.
In addition, the long history of eating raw fish might have helped them come over the idea as well.
The Japanese are so in love with this simple dish, some Japanese people living abroad have tried doing this.
Exactly what you think would happen.
I heard there was one person who suffered for a whole month.
Would you try it if you know that it is not going to make you sick?