Hi, Navio here.
Do you know what this is?A Coin Locker!
コインロッカー (koin rokkaa) is a common thing in Japan.
You can find it almost anywhere, especially around the station.
Coin Locker is a service provided for people who don't want to be bothered by their luggages, especially when roaming around or shopping.

So, here's my luggage.
I had to attend a ceremony, and a party afterward.
It will be really annoying to carry these along during the ceremony.
I asked the train station staff for guidance on where can I find coin lockers nearby.
After saying thank you, I went for the one the staff told me.
Not so far from the station, about a minute walk.

Here I am.
How do you differentiate between an available locker and non-available locker is by their keys.
Lockers with keys attached on it, are available.
The ones without, of course, are not available.

Depends on the size of the locker, the price will be differed, one to another.
The one that I used was an "all ¥200" locker, so yeah, to use the locker, I have to put a ¥200 first.

Stuff the bags inside,

And turn the key to the left to secure the locker.
しめる (shimeru) - close / lock
あける (akeru) - open / unlock
Pull the key out, and keep it in a safe place.
You might not want to lose it, because you will need it later.

After I was done with the ceremony, I returned to the locker and put the key back into its place.
Turn it to the right this time, and voila!
Coin locker is really safe.
I left my things there for about 3 hours.
No guards, no security staff.
Salute for Japan.
So there's nothing you should worry about!
But still, never leave important / valuable goods inside.
Our teachers in the schools kept reminding us on doing that right? :))